Lips Sewed Shut

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You turned around to Camilo, who was standing completely still, frozen in shock. "You were against us the whole time?" 

"Camilo, please-" you desperately cried out as Camilo made footprints in the fallen sand that circled you.

He didn't say a word, he simply walked away, his angry steps echoing.

You looked back at Mirabel and Bruno who were both staring blankly at you.

"Mirabel, I promise, I have nothing to do with this," you tried so hard to convince her. Your best friend. You couldn't lose more people. "You have to believe me."

Mirabel put a hand to her forehead with a heavy sigh.

"We'll talk about it later, Y/N," she said with a flick of her hand. "Go," she said, gesturing over to her cousin.

You returned a worried, but thankful nod as you turned around and began running after Camilo.

He was nearing another large branch on the tree, just out of earshot from Mirabel and Bruno. You couldn't hear what they were saying about you, but you were too focused on Camilo to care.

"Camilo, hey," you tripped over your words as you attempted to catch up to him. He didn't stop.

"Please, Camilo, wait up," you continued pleading for him to turn around, your words spilling out, yearning for a response.

He finally and abruptly stopped in his tracks, not turning to face you. You slowed your pace.

"Why, Y/N?" He asked with a sense of forlorn. 

"No, I-" You were interrupted by him.

"Steal the candle. Go ahead, try," he continued, "but you didn't have to involve Mirabel who finally thought she had a friend."


"You didn't have to involve my family, begging them to trust you, taking you under our roof," he hissed, swinging himself around and stepping closer to you with every breath.

"You didn't have to involve me... or my feelings," he said, his words growing softer and more broken at the end of his sentence.

Your mouth hung open, completely flabbergasted. You began to inch your way closer to him, reaching out your hand to touch his shoulder.

"Camilo, I promise-"

"Don't touch me," he commanded, aggressively pulling away from your graze.

"If you would just let me speak-" It was impossible to get a word in. Camilo was too hurt by a vision you had no intention of following through with.

"Save it, Y/N." His words spat like venom towards you. "What, you were just lying this whole time to get close to us? I can't believe I trusted you."

You could tell he wanted to yell. To scream in anguish at the top of his lungs. He wanted to release, but he didn't. He stopped himself. For you, for your past. No matter how angry he was, he still restrained himself. 

From yelling, that is. He couldn't restrain himself from the words that escaped from his lips next.

He hung his head low, his soft curls bouncing in front of his face as he let out a scoff.

"I can't believe I was beginning to love you."

Time slowed as his sentence stopped. You froze, he froze. No one else existed.

"You... love me?" Your heart had stopped. You didn't know what to say except the stutter of a million questions flooding your mind at once. 

Camilo looked up at you in complete horror, as if he said those words against his will.

He tightly shut his eyes, rubbing his temple with his fingers before quickly turning around and continuing to walk away without a word.

"Camilo, wait-"

"Y/N?" You heard the echo of Mirabel's voice approach from behind as Camilo continued trailing off into the distance.

"Probably best to leave him be for now," she suggested with sorrow.

You turned around to face her, Bruno following close behind.

"Mirabel, whatever that vision is, I swear-"

"I know, Y/N, I know," she interjected. "I'm choosing to believe you. Please, don't let me down."

A last tinge of desperation and hope sparkled in your eyes as you profusely nodded at her. Tears began filling her eyes as you stood facing each other with shattered hearts. 

Mirabel eventually extended her arms, inviting you in. You walked into a run as you fell into each others arms in a sob.

"I'm sorry, Mirabel. I wish I knew everything," you said through your silent hics.

"Me too," she replied in a hush.

You pulled away from each other, examining the tear stained, red cheeks that you both shared.

"Let's start with getting some sleep," Mirabel advised through a chuckle. You chuckled back, the heavy air slightly lifting.

You turned to Bruno, closing your eyes in thanks with a hint of shame.

"Thank you."

He sucked his lips in, nodding at you. "You're in charge of your destiny, kid."

Mirabel walked over to embrace her long-lost uncle before waving goodbye as you parted ways with him.

You waited for Bruno to make it out of Antonio's room before making your own way down as to not draw more attention after Camilo's storm-out.

"Alright, let's go," Mirabel confirmed after watching Bruno exit the room. "We can think more clearly after some sleep," she stated. 

"I don't think I'm sleeping tonight," you added with a nervous chuckle.

Mirabel grinned as she raised her eyebrows in agreement, wiping a stray tear from her cheek. "More time to think, then."

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