Eagle Eyes

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"Yes, I have Mirabel! If you don't want to come with me, then stay back and keep searching," Camilo continued on as he made his way closer to the forest. "But either way, I'm going. That's final."

Camilo's POV

Camilo trudged forward, stepping over bush and tree roots as he crossed the boundary from the village to the mountain forests.

"Camilo, please," Mirabel urged, concern in her voice as she watched him make his way through the trees.

"You're not changing my mind, Mirabel," he responded without looking back at her. "Listen, if I'm not back in three hours, go tell the family, okay?"

Mirabel looked at him stubbornly, not wanting to give in so easily, though Camilo knew she would. Once he put his mind to something, there was nobody more stubborn than him, and his mind was set on this.

He was going to find Y/N.

Camilo didn't look back to check if Mirabel had given at most a nod, as it wouldn't have mattered either way, but she didn't say a word. She simply let him go without a fight.

That surprised Camilo, but you couldn't say he was disappointed. He wanted- no, needed her to let him go.

And she did.

Mirabel's POV

Mirabel watched in disbelief as her cousin walked without her into the unsupervised territory of the forest. 

They've never even left the Encanto, how was he supposed to know where he was going? More importantly, how to get back?

On one hand, she wanted to go with him, accompanying him with some sort of common sense. On the other, she knew something felt off. She couldn't quite tell what it was, but she knew she didn't want to be around to find out.

So, she waited.

3 hours, she repeated to herself.

And waited.

He'll be back within 3 hours.

And waited.

2 hours...

And waited.

30 minutes...

And waited.

Where is he?

Camilo's POV

Camilo shooed stray insects as he stumbled over the dirt, uphill into the unknown wilderness.

"Y/N!" He called out to no one, hoping at some point he would receive a response.


He let out a heavy sigh as no progress was made, desperately trying to look for any more clues or indication of where she may have been taken.

Not gone, taken. He would accept no other answer than that.

"Please," he muttered, swinging his head from side to side. He began to squint as the light above dimmed, created a faded blue environment.

Has it been three hours? He questioned himself, not keeping track of how long it had been.

It was only with that question that he realized it was becoming dark.

Mirabel must be worried sick, he chuckled to himself. I better head back.

As he began to walk back in the direction he came from, an out of place, red streak caught his attention.

"What?" He whispered aloud, making his way over to the tree where the streak was placed. He gently ran his fingers across the rough bark, examining what it could be.

It was then that he spotted another one, just a few trees away from this one.

"What?" He whispered again, this time with more enunciation.

He began to stride over towards the second streak, hoping it would lead him somewhere.

He was right.

Well, not in the way he might have wanted it to.

It lead him straight into a strangers grasp, falling unconscious before he had the chance to react.


You looked up at the little sky you could see through the thick trees, worry striking you as darkness began to fall. You thought you would have been back by now.

You had no choice but to continue on, following the red markers, hopefully back to the village.

Maybe I went the wrong direction, you toyed with the possibility of following the wrong trail. What if there were different markers?

With a sharp exhale, you continued onwards. 

I can't really turn back now, you hesitantly concluded. I may as well see where this takes me.

After another 30 minutes of tiring travel, you stopped in your tracks.

Is that...

You could hear the faint noises of another wagon being pulled. 

Maybe it's not related, you thought. Maybe it's just a traveller minding their own business.

Then again, this was not a popular hiking destination. You hadn't heard or seen a trace of another human being since you've been walking back.

The noise got closer. Eventually, you saw the faint glow of a light source.

Just to be safe, you promptly dove behind a bush next to a large tree, getting as low to the ground as possible.

The wagon came so close, you could make out what the driver was saying through the clops of the horses hooves.

It was fuzzy at first, unintelligible. Just unimportant mumbling.


Your senses shot to their full capacity, your heart going still.

You heard the unknown voice of a man, seemingly talking to somebody else that was with him.

"Why does he need this kid, again?"

You didn't hear anybody else respond. 

You took a quick peak through the bushes, trying to see if you could spot anything of use to you.

Nothing, just a wagon and a torch, the fire dancing in the light wind.


Your heart boomed with an intensity harder than thunder hitting the ground.


You focused your vision, trying to make out what was in the back of that wagon.

It's such a low chance that it's him, Y/N, calm down, you attempted to reassure yourself. That was, until you saw it. 

Dark brown curls, restricted by a blindfold. Hands bound through a yellow ruana.

It was Camilo.

Make You Smile (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now