Couch Surfing

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The man knelt down once more, holding the glass back up to Camilo's freshly bloodied nose. "That'll do."

"The hell are they doing, some sort of ritual?" Camilo scoffed as the two men walked out of his cell and back into the room they came from.

As you stared at the cold and dust-ridden ground, you began to laugh.

Camilo gave you a puzzled look.

"Am I really that funny?"

You began to laugh harder.

Instead of befitting you deranged, you began to hear Camilo let out some chuckles alongside you.

Before you knew it, the two of you were in a laughing fit, as though you were in the most pleasant situation. Camilo made his way closer to the bars that separated you, facing you.

"I'm just so tired," you said, exhaling a lingering chuckle. He smiled at you.

"Me too."

"This almost doesn't feel real," you said in disbelief. "How on earth can this be real?"

Camilo quickly darted his eyes around the room before reaching his hand out through the bars towards you. 

"Well, here we are," he said satirically.

"Yeah, here we are," you replied with a roll of your eyes.

"To make the best of a bad situation," Camilo began. You cut him off.

"I'd say this is probably one of the worst situations."

Camilo chuckled. 

"Okay, to make the best of the worst situation," he corrected, "there's no one I'd rather have by my side than you."

You felt your face warm up, but not in the way it used to. Instead of it being flustering embarrassment, it felt more like a sense of tranquility. No one has made you feel this love before.

"Likewise," you weakly responded. You felt a pang of disappointment as you couldn't give him as much as you wanted - you were in too much pain. But, by the look on his face, you knew you didn't have to right now. He knew how much he meant to you.

"When we get out of here - not if, when, we're going dancing. You and me, a night on the streets of Encanto."

"You know I can't dance," you said through a tired laugh.

"You proved that theory wrong the first time," he responded slyly through an ear to ear smile.

"Alright, break it up you two."

A disgustingly familiar voice made its way into the sound waves that hit your eardrums. You stayed completely still as you hear those god awful footsteps make their way into the room.

"Oh come on, you won't even turn around to say hello to your mother?"

"Why would she?" Camilo's words felt like a safety blanket being pulled over you. For once in your life, you were glad you had somebody to stand up for you.

Your mother scoffed at Camilo. 

"Because she's my daughter?" You could hear the footsteps of your mother trailing over to the front of your cell.

"Y/N, don't be so-" 

Your mother froze in place as she made it to the front of the cell door, having a full view of your bruised, most likely broken wrists, and Camilo's bloodied face.

"What? Not what you were expecting from him?" Rage filled inside of you as you spoke these words to your mother. "Just like how you always are."

Your mother was stunned. You could guess from the completely shell-shocked look in her eyes that this was not apart of the "plan", but of course, she couldn't let you know that. She shook her head and reverted back to her cold, evil stare. 

"Your father just needed that blood for a little experiment... whatever the guards do is up to them."

"Do you hear yourself? You sound delusional." You winced as you got worked up, your wrists reminding you that your body is still damaged.

"Whatever," your mother said quickly and defensively before exiting the room. She was breaking down.

The footsteps did not cease when she exited the room, though. As she opened the door, a pair of new footsteps made their way in. You craned your neck as best as you could to take a look at your surroundings.

It was the same two guards as earlier, looking as rough as before.

"Hope you're not comfortable," one of the guards said to Camilo.

"It's time to go."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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