Feels Like Flying

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Run won!

With a fearful roll of your eyes, you snatched Camilo's hand and began running in the opposite direction of where you heard the noise approaching from.

It would take a miracle to be able to find the marks again, let alone back to the village. So at this point, it didn't matter where you went, as long as you stayed unscathed - well, to a degree.

You ignored your hunger and pushed away the weakness you felt growing within you as you sprung your legs over roots and bush, every once in awhile checking over your shoulder to make sure Camilo was behind you.

The sun grew brighter in the sky as the early morning turned into late morning, illuminating your path as you grew more capable of seeing the ground.

You didn't know where you were headed. You just kept running, hopefully away from whatever was trailing you. Trailing you close, too.

But not close enough.

Something felt off. 

With every turn you took, every slide you made, there were plenty of opportunities to catch up.

Why wouldn't they?

You slowed down and came to a halt, stopping to listen for where the hooves were coming from.

Camilo zipped past you, harshly stopping as he realized you stopped.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Camilo urgently whispered.

You didn't respond.


You felt yourself get pulled into a run as Camilo took your wrist. You complied and ran along with him, but still... something felt off.

As you ran beside him, the clopping still being heard in the close distance, another sound grew to your other side.

More hooves.

They could be heard from either side of you now, forcing you in a single direction.

The instinct that something wasn't right grew larger with every second that passed, every noise that rung.

It almost like...

You were being herded. 

Like animals being forced into a pen, you were being forced too. You just didn't know where.

It's not like you had much of a choice at this point in time. You had nowhere else to go but run - either that, or they catch you. It was a matter of the lesser of two evils, and with running, at least you had a chance.

So that's what you did.

Your heart pounded in your ears, your breaths heavy and short. Your feet swiftly moved across the dirt as you held your skirt up, looking to Camilo periodically. 

When you first met this devilish boy and his bubbly cousin, you could have never imagined this to be the soon to come situation - running through the dark and untold forest as you attempted to escape from your kidnappers.

Maybe you weren't destined to have a normal life, maybe this was the way it had to be. You felt horrendous as you watched Camilo run beside you, caught up in your familial feud.

He doesn't deserve this. The town doesn't deserve this.

As much as you didn't want this for him, it was happening. All you could do now was protect him.

You found yourself coming to a smaller open area, a field-like terrain, free of trees. You knew it was not the best idea to go forth, but there was no other option. The sound of hooves came from either side of you.

This must be where they're leading us.

You made it a point to be on high alert as you stepped into the open light, the sun shining down.

Just get to the other side.

Just get to the forest.

You ran like you've never ran before, kicking up dirt with every foot you placed on the ground. You felt like you were flying.

Was it flying? Your head felt lighter, your muscles nonexistent. Maybe you actually were flying.

You were going a little slow for someone who could fly, though, as Camilo grew farther away.

"Camilo!" You called out to him, hoping he would notice your capabilities.

He looked back at you and stopped in his tracks, a worried expression on his face.

Worry? Why is he worried?

"Camilo," you called out again. "I can get us out of..."

You thought you finished your sentence. 

You thought you were awake. That is, until the last thing you saw was Camilo rushing over to you as men on horses closed in.

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