In the beginning of the car ride Mya and I had looked at each other occasionally. We even had smiled at each other again. That was before I had met Deans eyes in the rearview mirror. They were cold and gave me a clear warning. For an as yet unknown reason he did not like when Mya and I had even the smallest interaction.
James seemed to have completely changed again. The silence and moody looks were gone and he asked Mya a lot of questions. Were she was from, when she turned and what she had done before starting the hunt for Caine. Dean only asked her when she had last hunted. It had been a while...
I was quiet as usual. Now that everything had calmed down again, the images from last night began pressing into me. No matter what I tried to get them out of my head, they returned everytime with a vengeance.
It was still at least two hours until the sun would get up, when James already pulled the car over, near an abandoned house. Some of the windows were barred shut, ideal for vampires. But why so early?
"I thought I'd be wise if some of us hunted before sunrise. I'm pretty sure there is a town on the other side of the woods. So we don't have to waste too much time tomorrow." James had turned around in the drivers seat, adressing the other vampires.
"Sure," said Mya and was already out of the car. When I got out James, Dean and I exchanged a quick glance. Mya was standing a few feet away and called out:
"What are you waiting for? Lets go?" She seemed very eager, I noticed.
"I'll stay with her," James surprisingly volunteered. "I can go tomorrow in the early evening."
Dean looked at him with raised eyebrows. He looked to me and then back at James who started to chuckle.
"Don't worry, I won't kill her without you." His words left my insides freezing. Even though she had been standing a few feet away, Mya must have heard his words because she looked at me with bewilderment. Dean realized her confusion too.
"Don't worry, it's just a little inside joke between the three of us," he said, with a charming smile.
"Really?" Mya replied, while walking over. "Becaus it sounds like it is an inside joke between only two of you and she is left looking horrofied. Are you keeping her against her will?"
Silence followed. Dean gave James a wink and me a smile, that hit me like train.
"You know what," he began as he sauntered over and put his arm around me,"why aren't we telling her the truth? You see, our little Princess here is not just a regular human, she is a witch. James thought it would be useful," he put that in air quotations,"but it turned out she was not. Now she has to help us find Caine and in the meantime suffer the consequences of her actions. But I have to say," he said while grabbing my hair and forcing me to look up to him, "she suffers beautifully." The last word lingered on his lips and almost echoed into the silence that followed.
My heart was racing and colour rushed into my cheeks. I pushed his hands away and started walking towards the house.
"I'm gonna go to sleep. I have a headache, that is killing me," I threw over my shoulder. They started talking but I did not hear anything. Tears were already filling my eyes. I felt utterly humiliated. They must've known what Dean meant by my suffering. Why was it not enough for him to hurt me? Why did others have to know it too?
Once I had reached the house I quickly found the stairs leading up. My only thougth was to get in a bed and get some sleep. I peeked into a few of the rooms but before I could decide, I felt someone grab my arm and drag me into the darkest one. Before I could panic, I heard James say:
"Relax, it's just me. Dean and Mya went hunting, they should be back in an hour or so. " He had already sat down on the large bed when he finished.
God, I thought, I just want to sleep without being scared. Is that too much to ask? I simply nodded in reply and kicked off my boots before laying down on the dusty bed, turning away from James. The movements of the matress told me, that he had lain down too. I was already tense but when he grabbed my shoulder to turn me arround I almost screamed.
"By the way," he said while looking at me, "I was wrong about Dean."
I was so confused, that I even relaxed a little. But then our conversation from earlier tonight dawned on me. I scoffed.
"Off course he's not in love with me. I have no idea why you would think that in the first place." James held me back when I tried to turn around.
"Thats not what I meant. He is in love with you. The only thing I am wrong about now is the timeline."
My puzzled expression was enough for him to elaborate.
"He would have been nice to you for a while, before realizing it and then you would be in trouble. But now there is a fourth person. He will see in her reaction, that he treats you differently than a vampire would normally treat a human. And not to forget, she is very pretty. At what conclusion do you think he'll arrive, when he realizes he is not interested in the beautiful new woman but is worried at what I might do to you. To his property, because that is how he sees you."
It took me a while to find the right words to reply.
"How do you know they aren't already fucking or won't when they come back?"
"There are two more rooms in this house in which a vampire could comfortably rest. The cellar and the bedroom to our left. Right now they are on the hunt so they won't even think about it and when they get back she will go down and Dean will come up. He's gonna want to make sure I didn't take liberties with you."
"Do you enjoy worrying me like that?" I snapped. "Just leave me alone. I never did anything to you but am still being punished for it. When I agreed to help you, you said you would protect me from Dean. Instead you're mocking me and tell me that Deans love will probably kill me. I pity you and not for the loss of Clara but the loss of your soul."
With that I turned around again and closed my eyes. He could do with me whatever he wants. I told him what had been burning on my tongue for a long time and a weight was lifted.
"Whatever you say," he mumbled in a wearied way, "but mark my words, Dean will come up."
I tried to ignore him and fall asleep. But my mind was still racing. The first light of dawn was already appearing when I heard noises from downstairs. Someone was coming up the stairs. I opened my eyes just a little bit but when he walked past the open door, I saw him. He stopped having clearly seen my open eyes.
"Sweet dreams, Princess."

Dystopian Dream
VampireShe fought fiercly but it wasn't enough. Now she'll be punished for fighting at all... When Mae lost her family while fighting a dangerous vampire, she tought she had lost all that made her want to live. In a world left in pieces by war and infest...