Chapter Twenty- Drunken Dancing, Disasters, and Drama

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Get ready. It's a crazy one.


I was sitting on the floor in the bathroom, shakily pressing my phone to my ear. I was doing this, I was taking a step forward. I shoved all of the negative and worrying thoughts running through my head and just concentrated on breathing in sync with the faint ringing.





I nearly choked on my spit, “Ne-Neil, hey. I cal-”

“This is Neil, just leave a message.”

I sighed and hung up before the knowing beep would record my sighs of disappointment. I closed my eyes and felt slightly relieved...but also hurt.

He ignored my call. He saw my name pop up on his screen and ignored it, sending me straight to voicemail.

I mean, it’s not a big deal. I don’t even know what I would say.

Hey, so I took some time and thought about what you said and you were right?

Hey, it’s been a while, maybe we could grab a coffee and catch up?

How’s school going?

Why’d you quit Caribou Coffee?

Why haven’t I seen you?

Why haven’t you called?

Do you not miss me?

I miss you.

I’m sorry.

Did you really have to leave me?

You told me you would always be here for me, but it’s been four months?

I ran a hand down my face as I tried to gather my frazzled thought and heaved myself up from the ground, effectively causing my knees to pop.

“Ew, I heard that from my room,” Mel wrinkled her nose at me as I walked into her room laying on her bed. She swiveled around in her chair from her desk to look at me with speculating eyes.

“What?” I asked exasperatedly after she continued staring at me in silence.

“Why are you all angsty?”

“I’m not angsty,” I protested.

“Ana you wrote poetry in the eighth grade,” she deadpanned.

“THAT WAS ONE TIME AND I BURNED IT,” I sat up and glared at her.

“My point is proven,” she smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes before looked at my nails and picking at the chipping paint. “I called him,” I muttered bitterly.



She was quiet for a moment and I heard her get up before I felt the bed dip and she sat next to me. “What did he say?”

“Nothing, he ignored my call.”

“Maybe he was taking a shit,” she said lightly.

“Or maybe he was poaching elephants,” I mocked.

“Well who cares about that fuckboy? We still have three days left for spring break! Let’s go get drunk!

I looked up and smiled a shit-eating grin at her before we both jumped up to get ready.

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