Chapter Seven- One Low Fat Skinny Latte with Extra Whipcream

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There was this annoying ringing that I couldn’t quite place, but it was certainly waking me up.

“Turn it off,” I heard a hoarse voice whisper next to me. My eyes sprung wide open and turned so quickly I fell out of bed and landed with an unff.

Mel?” I asked surprised. “What are you doing in my bed?”

“Just answer your damn phone,” she tossed the ringing object on the ground by my feet. I glanced at the caller and immediately groaned in apprehension. I so did not want to talk to her this early in the morning with the massive headache I felt coming on.

“Hello?” I answered a bit uncertain.

“Ana, I need you to come in for work today,” I heard my manger’s ice cold voice demand through the phone. Nothing like talking to a lethal boss first thing in the morning, it’s almost better than coffee!

There was some sarcasm there if you missed it.

“I can’t I have class today,” I rubbed my eyes trying to get all of the sleepies out of my tear ducts.

Eye boogers are some nasty shit.

“When are you done with class?” I thought for a moment trying to remember what I have after calc this morning. I get done with calc at eleven, then I have two hours to eat lunch before a lecture and lab in my chemistry class.

“Uhm, I’ll be done with classes at four this afternoon,” I muttered glancing at the clock checking my time.

This girl called me at seven fourteen in the morning. What has this world come to? Are there no social graces anymore? Is this the end?

“Great, I’ll be expecting you at 4:15 sharp. See you then,” and with that she hung up. I cursed the dial tone in response, I mean, what a complete bit-

“Who was that?” I looked up from the ground to see the bleary green eyes of my best friend.

“My boss,” I muttered grumpily.


“I have to come in later today,” I stretched my arms in the air as I looked around my room in confusion. I was still sitting on the floor while Mel was sleeping away on my bed.

“Hey baby,” I cooed while standing up.


“What the hell are you doing in my bed?” I deadpanned with annoyance.

I heard her groan before rolling over to face me, and my crossed arms waiting for an answer.

“You don’t remember?”

I frowned in confusion at her question and the intense migraine I felt traveling up my head. “Uhm, should I?” I questioned, but then, that’s when I heard it.

Or should I say heard them.

My mouth opened in shock and anger as I realized what happened, and Mel sat up quickly.

“Listen, don’t freak out! It’s not a big dea-“ but she was cut off by the sound of pots banging and laughter following the crash.

I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. This was not happening. Last night did not happen.

“Ana?” I heard her ask tenderly.

“You let them crash in our dorm?!” I whisper-yelled at her angrily and began grabbing at my hair in frustration.

“It just sort of happened!” she put her hands up in surrender.

After the game had ended around 10 last night, we (as in my dumbass roommate and I) agreed to go to a party with the team to celebrate our win.

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