'No second thought' (Chapter 10)

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Chris POV (end of the day)

"Wait what happened during lunch" I asked surprised. We were walking down the hall and I was carrying Karl's book bag. While we were taking I had noticed a few of kids staring and some whispering. It's strange, I'll have to ask him about it later.

"I may of accidentally skipped some of class" Karl explained.

"How in the-" I said and laughed a bit. "You got corrupted quicker then I thought".

"Hey, most of that's your fault" Karl said. "And Anyways, I didn't get into any trouble for it".

"Let me guess, Clay talked y'all's way out of it" Karl nodded.

"Yea, he annoyed Mrs. Audrey so much she just gave up and told us to 'not do it again'". He said.

"I think she's mentally preparing herself for another pain" I joked and Karl hit my arm. "You know I'm right".

"I won't be a pain, it was only once, we just lost track of time" He defended. I laughed slightly.

"I'm surprised y'all did" I said. "George hates skipping, he normally checks the time a lot".

"Me, him, and Alex were talking and before we knew it, an hour passed". He said.

"What were you guys talking about that got George and Alex so into it that they didn't check the time". I asked. Honestly there's only one thing I could think of and that's George and Clays secret relationship. But then again, why would Alex be interested in that. I know Alex, Nick, and George want Clay to come out and not hide his relationship because of a 'reputation' but I don't think they'd get That into it.

"I can't tell you" Karl said, slightly nervous and not looking at me. "Well, I can't tell you here, maybe when we get home". I nodded. I'm guessing he doesn't want the wrong person to hear, rumors do fly...

"Ok, but only tell me if you want" I said calmly and held Karl's hand since he seemed nervous. "And only tell me when you feel ready to". Karl looked up at me and smiled. I felt my face heat up a bit. Maybe I'm just not feeling well. I noticed his face seemed a bit red to. I'm probably seeing things or something. I let go of his hand once we got to are lockers.

"So what crap do I put in here" Karl asked as he opened his locker.

"Anything that's not homework" I said putting my stuff away. Karl looked at mine.

"How is yours organized" he asked. "Mine will be recked in a week".

"I'll help you keep it organized" I said already knowing that would be hell. "And piece of advice, keep your A day and B day stuff separate".

"Ok but why" I asked putting my stuff on the top shelf. I don't have anything for tomorrow since I haven't had those classes yet.

"Because theirs no point in carrying stuff for a class you don't have that day". I said and shut my locker.

"Oh, yea that makes since, doesn't it" he said in realization. I laughed at him.

"Your an idiot"

"We've already agreed your the smart one, don't rub it in"  he said jokingly and shut his locker. I rolled my eyes and then we headed down stairs. I noticed kids still looking and whispering. I also noticed that Karl was getting uncomfortable. Then a girl came up to us.

"Hey, your Karl Jacobs right" she asked looking at Karl.

"Um, y-yea" he said nervously. I noticed people started to watch.

The One next door . (Karl x Chris Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now