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So this is one of the fillers I mentioned in the last authors note!

This chapter is mostly in Julies P.O.V, since the other one was so short.



Julie's P.O.V

"oohmf!" I exclaim as I'm rudely awakened. How you may ask? Was hit in the head. With a pillow.

By Maddie. Stupid barrel...

She rips open the curtains right by my face. The light shines through. I hiss like a vampier and curl into a ball.

"WHAAAAAT?" I groan as the sun rays beat down on my face. She laughs at me and jumps up on the bed still in her pujumoos. (Jacksfilms reference!) She was wearing a pair of plaid purple and black pajumoo plants which look oddly familiar with an oversized grey hoodie.

Wait a second... "Maddie, I'm telling on youuuu!" I say pointing at her. She looks confused, "What did I do now?" she says. "Your wearing ANNIES pujumoo pants!" I say and add a gasp at the end for dramatic effect.

"No no no!" she fake pleads to me. "Anything but that!" Annie hates it when people touch her stuff, but sometimes it's ok. When you tell her at the right time that is.

"Maybe I'll call her right now..." I say trailing off at the end. She glares at me "You wouldn't dare. She's sleeping, and she would kill you if you woke her up!" she says.

I debate for a minute. She probably would.. Eh it's worth a shot. "Maybe she would maybe she wouldn't. Those are her favorite pants." I say smirking evilly at her.

We both are sitting on her bed, sides against the wall. I look at the night stand on the other side of the bed as she looks. I look back at her, then at the night stand. My phone is perched on a book I'm the corner.

She looks at me challenging me with her eyes. I look back and forth one more time before lunging for the phone.

She lunged at the same time. She lands in my back as my fingers brush the corner of the night stand. She grabs my arms and attempts to pin them to my sides. I start to kick her until she falls off and I get up and grab the phone. I'm about to unlock it when she grabs it and starts to run.

I take off after her, yelling "Maddie, GIVE ME THE PHONE!!!"

"NEVEEEER" She yells back.

We race down the hall. DAJUVU!! Didn't I like just tdo this the otter day only the other way around...? She nears the bottom of the stairs as I begin to slide down the railing. Just as she hits the bottom I slam into her and we fall to the ground. I yank the phone out of her hand and run over to the food closet thingy in her kitchen.

I lock the door- for some reason there's a lock on the inside- and unlock my phone. She starts banging on the door. "Juuuuulueeee! Shed gonna whoop my assss!" she whines. "Ahoulda thought a that before you wore her pants!" I say smugly.

I look at the clock and see it's only 9... Oh well! I find Annies name in my contacts and press it, then call.

"Hello?" says a groggy voice on the other end. But not Annie's voice.

It was Niall's.


So..u filler.....

Tell me who so you ship in One Direction???

I like:




Lilo (Liam and Lou)


Layn (Lou and Zayn)

and last but not least,

Lirry!! (Liam and Harry)


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