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Last chapter! :c I hope it's good enough.

-----Julies P.O.V-----

It's been two hours. Two hours since I got the random message. Two hours until I realised Nathan cheated.

Two hours until I began to hate two people. Hate two people with my whole being. Nathan Sykes and Madison Sheal. Yup. Maddie, one of my best friends. I don't know what to do. I've been sitting in the same position ever since I opened it.

I was in the middle of the floor, hand over my mouth. Ok, I was bored so I sat on the floor because I was bored. Not my fault it's comfier than the beds.

Shoul I call her? Talk to her? Or will that be the wrong thing to do? Right then Harry walks in With Lou. I don't look up at them, just keep looking at the phone.

Harry asks me what's wrong but I don't reply. I just turn the phone around. Lou's face turns to one of shock while Harrys face gets red and his fists white.

He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. "It'll be ok. I'll kill him for you." I smiled sadly at him. "Thanks Harry." Then I hug him back. I head the door close and know Lou's gone.

We sit for a minute before I hear a voice yell something a few doors down. Then the door slams and my room door flys open again. Lou is standing there, his fists shaking with rage.

"You'll never believe this." He told us the story of Macie being here snogging Niall. "But he told us they broke up! Lying git..." Harry says angrily.

They all hate Macie, so it's understandable. But Niall lied to them? He never lies. Why would he start now?

-----Nialls P.O.V------

After Lou slammed the door I pushed Macie to the side. "Why are you back?" I said loudly. "I broke up with you!" I ran a hand angrily through my hair and groaned in pain.

Se smirked at me. "Oh no. We won't be breaking up anytime soon." I looked at her like she was crazy. "Now that that stupid little 'Annie' is out of the way... Your all mine." My eyes widened.

"What?" I backed up against the bed. She took a few steps forward and laid a hand on my arm. I flinched and pushed her off. "Macie: LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled at her.

This made her angry as she glared at me. "No. We are meant for each other Niall. Your mine." I threw my hand back and hit the call nurse button. She backed up and pretended to start crying.

The nurse walked in as Macie looked up with fake tears on her face. "What's wrong dear?" the nurse said gently to her. "H-he yelled at me b-because... I don't even know!" the nurse gave her a sympathetic look as I threw my hands in the air.

"She's lying! She was talking crazy and I was calling you to get security!" She looks at me and nods, mouthing 'I know' o breath a small sigh of relief as she leads Macie out.

I then fall back on my bed and realise what's really happened today.

Annie died.

-A few days later-

---Third Persons P.O.V---

They were all standing around the coffin, nailed shut, as it lowered into the ground. Most holding in their tears, but Harry was sobbing silently but shamelessly.

They were all standing hand in hand as it hit the bottom. After each saying a few words and throwing some dirt in, they left. Julie went to her

house, not seeing her dogs and cats in a while.

Harry And Lou went back to their apartment, where Lou comforted Harry. Zayn went home where he greave by himself. Liam went to Nialls house with him to make sure he was ok.

A moving truck showed up in front of Annies house and the next day, went Julie went to it, everything was gone. She started crying right in the pdoorway knowing her best friend was really gone. Her best freind shes known since they were little. Her best freind she has grown up with.

Her best freind who was like her sister. She knew it was true. But she didn't want to believe it.

A girl stood outside the building, her brown hair in a bun, wearing black sweatpants and a purple hoodie. She was pale from pain and blood loss. She had convinced the hospital to let her go to see this one more time.

She smiled sadly and turned back to her icy purple bug, then went back to the hospital. When she walked in, she kept her head down as not to be recognised. That would ruin everything.

She settled back into the room as the doctor hooked her back up. "Who wrote the letter to tell your friends you died?" he asks her. "Me." she responded sadly. He nodded. "I'm sorry. Where are you going to go?"

She thought for a moment. "Italy. Or maybe Sweden" she responded thoughtfully. "Not Brittan? I see you have an accent." She thinks about it. "I dont know."

"Are you ok Mrs. Rosenthal?" the doctor asked suddenly. Annabella smiled at him. "Yeah." she said, thinking on the plan.

"I'm ok."


OMG! I finished my first book! This is so cool! I just wanted to thank every one for reading my story and voting and commenting!

I love you all, and I'm excited to write the sequel!

Bye for now my little mushrooms, I'll miss you all!

-Mumma Mushroom

*Edit* it was pointed out I have now yet sai the name of the sequel. It's is.. *dramatic drum roll* Why Now? (^▽^)

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