Intrtogations, Explanations.... And Concerts? Part 2

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I groan and stare at Julie. "Do I have to go?" I whine in my 'ehem cute' British accent. She nods at me vigorously. "YES AND YOU MUST!(haha Harry potter reference whoever can say what movie it's from and who said it gets a dedication. Lol wait.... Who reads this crap?)

I roll my eyes at her eagerness. "But julllllliiiiie" I wine at her.

"Ah ah ah. You are coming, heehee, whether you want to or not. I will personally duct tape you to a chair and bring you myself. So you are coming." She states.

I groan and fall face first on my bed. She drags me up and over to my closet, picking me out an outfit.

"I can dress myself ya know." I say, rolling my eyes again. She shakes her head.

"No no no. You cant. You'll just wear sweat pants or something! We need to look good for the boys" she says. I just look at her with my puppydog eyes "Pleaaaaaee can I at least wear my one direction hoodie?" I beg. She sighs but nods.

She randomly starts to giggle her head of..... "Why are you so giggly?" I say... slightly questioning her sanity. Not that either of us have any.....oh well.

"Beacuuuuuse..." julie says looking excited. "We might get pulled on stage! And... WE HAVE BACKSTAGE PASSES!!!" she screams.

I could tell she was about to combust and turn into a butterfly that wants to mate with a potato.


I roll my eyes and walk into my closet closing the door. Yeah I have a huge closet and my house? Not gonna go there.

She starts to protest but I lock the door.

I walk over to the racks of clothes trying to find the outfit I want. Smiling, I pull it out. My closet connect with a bathroom so I walk in it after unlocking the closet door and locking the bathroom one instead, yelling after me "Wear anything you want!". I hear julie laugh, she probably was gonna anyway.

I turn on the water to cold and peel of my clothes throwing them in the bin an step in the cold water. Julie says I'm crazy for taking cold showers. They just relax me.

I scrub my hair with my favorite lilac shampoo. My hair always smells so strongly of it I just love it! After I'm done I step out wrapping myself in a fluffy lilac towel. Yeah I really like lilac and purple and black and electric blue and- FOCUS!

I pull on the lilac skinny jeans and electric blue shirt that says 'Potterheads Unite' then the deathly gallows symbol under it. I pull my hair up in a tight bun. I open the door to find Julie going through my clothes while singing along to the radio. Guess what on? Live while were young!

'Let's go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun! I know we only met but let's pretend it's love! And never never stop for anyone! Tonight let's get some, and live while were young!' we sing along to each other, doing stupid dance moves like hip thrusts. We starts laughing, our bromance is so epic.

I walk into my room and put on a purple sock that says Sunday on it and an electric blue sock that says Wednesday on it. Then I slide on my converse that go up to my knees with purple and blue laces.

Julie walks out dressed in regular skinny jeans and a blood red crop top that says 'HAZZA NIALLER ZAYNEI LII-LII BOOBEAR' on it. She has on blood red lipstick to with black eyeliner and tons of mascara on.

I roll my eyes at her knowing she was gonna flirt with them.

"Ok let's go!" she yells putting on red heels to match and add Luke 6' to her hight. We walk out to my car and get in, and start driving.


We get out of the car and walk up to get in line. Were five ours early an are 21st in line. WOOHOO!

As were waiting, a limo pulls up and girls start to scream the boys names.

The door opens and out steps Zayn, Liam, Niall, Louis, and then Harry. In all his glory. No not naked, sickos. I hide behind Julie, hoping they don't see me.

I peek over Julies shoulder just as Harry looks over. Our eyes meet and he smiles. I smile weakly back and look at the ground.

I look up to see him talking to two of the security guards. I watch them, confused when I see the two guards start to walk toward us and my eyes widen when I rapids Harry is just standing there, waiting.

When they get over to us, they literally throw us over their shoulders and start to walk.

"WHAT THE HE-" he clams a hand over my mouth as I pound on his back. "MDJJFHAUV" which is supposed to be "LET ME DOWN". They let us down in front of the boys, me in front of harry.

He smiles at me and says chuckling "Hello love".

And then i hear i thud. I look down and see.......

Julie fainted.


SOOOOO SORRY! I havnt uploaded in forever and this is so short!!!


Anyway, if you havnt already heard I'm doing one shots soon!!! :)

Ta ta for now! Stay pinappley, stay fruity, and stay sane (wich I'm not :))


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