Finally A Shower

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So yeah...

Hello my little mushrooms! Yes. I have decided that you are all my mushrooms. I am muma mushrooms to my friends so you are muh mushyrooms. YAY!! c:

Ok I'm done now.


-----Annabellas P.O.V-----

I paced back and forth. I have been trying to figure out some way to escape for a while now. From what I have been told I have been here for almost a month.

It's probably almost Christmas by now. It's past my birthday, already. I sigh and slide down against the wall.

I have cuts all over my arms, dried blood all over me, a possibly broken jaw, and my shoulder feels like it's on fire. I shudder at that.


I flip another page of the book when the door slams open. I glance up to see my father. Drunk.

I slowly put the book down as he steps closer. "Y-you know. I n-ever really liked you. You stupid brat!" he slurs and punches me in the chin. I fall to the ground and he slams his foot into my shoulder.

I cry out and he grabs my hair. "You just nothingbut a s-stupid ungrateful little bitch." he pulls on my hair harder until I'm biting my lip not to scream in pain.

"Y-ou know you were always just ugly, irritating, a-and just plain dumb. Eversincethe day I s-stole you from that horrid women." he then throws me on the ground and turns to leave. My head makes a loud crack as it hits the hard floor.

I hold in sobs as he retreats. Once he's gone I gasp and start to cry.

I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. I sit in the corner, knees pulled ip to my chest, one are hugging them one arm stretched out. The chain isn't too long so I can barley get five feet away.


That all happened yesterday. I think. I'm not really sure of times anymore. I mean, it's always either lights on or off depending on their moods.

The door opens and Elliot is standing there with clothes in his hands.

"Get up. Now." he says and I slowly get to my feet just to piss him off. He throws the cloths at me and reaches for my arm. He pulls out a key and unlocks the cuff which flatters to the floor.

I makes a loud tink-tink as it lands next to my feet. I rub my wrist which is sore from pulling and pulling on the chain. I had gotten my cast off a while ago but I felt like after this I would need another one.

He latched his hand around my arm and started to pull me to the bathroom. "Shower, change, and come out right when your done. You have ten minutes." he says his voice cold. I nod and step in. He slams the door and I don't here him leave.

Not that I expected him to I just hoped. I quickly get in the shower and get out as fast as I can. When I look at the clothes I bite my lip. These aren't girls clothes.

There Elliots... I sigh but put them on anyway. I stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do. I shrug and knock on the door. "Um Elliot? I'm done..." I trail off and the door swings open.

He stands frozen for a minute before shaking his head and grabbing my wrist. "Follow me." he says and I resist rolling my eyes. What else would I do, run?

He leads me into a room like my other one only this one has a tv, a bed, a door leading somewhere. But the walls were still grey and there were no windows. My eyes widen in surprise.

Is this mine now or something? "Is this a joke?" I say in surprise. He shakes his head and smiles for a second before giving me a glare.

I know his glare and that doesn't look like one... Is he faking it? I push that thought away as he starts speaking.

"You will be in here since you haven't tried to escape. But if you do it will be worse than the other one." he says then turns to leave. I sigh and walk over to the bed.

It's not comfortable but it's better than the stone cold floor. I look over to see a remote and grab it. I cautiously turn on the tv. It's on the news channel and the story kinda shocks me at first.

Styles Twin: Missing or Dead?

My eyes widen and drop the remote. How...? Harry! I haven't seen or heard him since the dream. Was it real or my imagination? I lie down, maybe it wasn't and close my eyes.

I got the same sensation as the first time and I'm in Harrys room. He's staring blankly at the ceiling and Liam walks in. "Harry, you have done nothing but lie on the bed for two days. She is going to be fine Harry."

Harry scoffs. "Liam. SHE COUL BE DEAD! SHE COULD BE DEAD AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT! It's all my fault." he yelled, whispering by the end.

I put a hand over my mouth to stop my sobs. It's not his fault. If it's anyones it's mine. Liam puts a hand on Harrys arm. "No it isn't mate. It's no ones fault."

"Liam I wasn't there to protect here! I wasn't there to help her!" He stands up and Liam's hand falls by his side. Harry begins to pace.

"If I had stoppe her from running and asked her what was wrong, or ran after her or got home sooner I could have- could have stopped her from run if away!! Then she would be here and safe and-" he breaks off at the end.

He falls into the ground an curls into a ball. My heart seemed to be literally breaking in half. Almost as if I could feel his pain and guilt and sorrow. I kneel beside him, even though I wasn't really there, and put a hand on his shoulder.

He calms down after a minute or two more and sits up looking around. Then his face lights up and he gets up and starts running. "Harry?" Liam called out.

Harry ran to his bed and quickly layer down. Within a span of two minutes I'm back in that white room. Harry hugs me right away and puts his head on my shoulder.

It was a little awkward since he was so much taller than me.

I stroke his wild, chocolate brown locks and sigh. "Harry it wasn't your fault." I whisper to him. He lifts his head up and shakes it. "Yes. It was."

I take my hand and slap him up the back of his head. "Ow!" he exclaims and I put my hands on my hips. "Stop saying that! If it's anyone's fault it's mine for running off!" I say loudly.

"Now if I ever hear you say that again, I will chop off all of your hair." I say glaring at him. He gives me a horrified look. "Oh please anything but the hair!" he says grabbing his head, making me giggle quietly.

We talk for a while and he says the cops aren't any closer to finding me. O shrug. He asks if there beating me and I shake my head. "No no nothing like that." I lie. I just don't need him worrying to much. I'm fine.

He nods his head, obviously not believing me. I feel a light tugging although it's faint. "Harry I think I'm going to leave soon." I say and he looks confused. Sure enough the pulling is getting stronger.

I quickly pull him into a hug and he kisses my forehead. "See ya later bro."I say half smiling. He smiles back. "See ya later sis." he says back.

My eyes snap open as I'm brought back to reality. I sigh and a tear drips down my face. I am not the type to cry, but it seems as if that's all I have been doing the past few days.

That and forming my escape plan.


Yay! So after this I won't be updating for a while :/ sorry dudes.

I'm going to be planning out the end very carefully to make it cool for you guys.

And I know ive asked this before, but should I do a sequel? I really nee to know since it effects the out come of this end.

Please please tell meh!

Bye my little mushrooms! Vote, comment, fan, or something.

Whatever you like.



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