Stupid, Sexy, Superstar.

807 14 4

Chappie 5? Ish....


I roll my eyes and one of the body guards throw Julie over their shoulder. I can hear some of the fans asking questions and see some giving me dirty looks. So I did the mutchure thing, even wit the kids there.

I floors them off and screamed "SUCK IT BITCHES". I heard laughing looked over at Harry to see him laughing his butt off.

This makes me start to giggle.. We keep walking and head inside to Harry's dressing room. The security guard drops her -literally- on the couch. She ends up rolling on the floor and I start pissing myself laughing. Harry does to.

She all of a sudden shoots up, eyes wide open.

"WHAT THE LITERAL HELL HAPPENED?!" She yells at us, still laughing. Once we've calmed down enough, I answer her. "Well you fainted, donkey kong over hear picked you up" the guard by the door glared at me ferociously at me. I glared violently and I saw a flash of fear I his eyes.

Yeah, I can be quite scary. "He brought you here, literally drops you an the couch and y-you fel-ll off onto t-t-the floor- ahahahaha!" I finish, trying to hold back laughter.

"Agh that was funny" I say wiping tears from my eyes.

She just rolls her eyes at me. "Not that much. Now someone help me up!" I walk over and yank her up, hearing a squeak of surprise on her part. She hates it when I do that.

"I hate it when you do that!" she exclaims. It's my turn to roll my eyes now. "Grow up, get a life, get over it" I say simply, as I plop down on the couch and Harry sits next to me. I look at him and see we look a little alike. Except our arms mine have s- I mean hair yeah that's it.

I notice how we have the same hair, nose, and face. Cool. I Can say I look like Harry Styles.

I look over at Julie and she staring at Harry with a crazy face. I start to giggle at it and can't stop. Harry looks at me like I'm crazy, but I don't see why. I'm sane right? Right bob?

'Whos bob?' a voice that sounded unmistakably like Harry said in my head. I shake the thought away and get up walking to the door, standing next to julie. I look back at Harry again. "So. Can I ask you a question?" I ask him. Dammit he better not-

"You just did" he said smirking. Damn you Harry. I roll my eyes. "If you keep doing that your eyes will fall out if your head" he says with a smile. I glare at him. "Ok what's your question?" he says chuckling.

"Why did you want us here? And wear are the-" I couldn't finish my sentence before the door burst open.

I'm knocked flat on my stomach. And feel like a rhino is sitting on me. "Heqld jdn!" which was supposed to be help me! But my speech was muffled by the carpet. I can suddenly breath again and am quickly lifted up off the ground.

I rune around to thank whoever helped me up and my eyes meet a pair of blue ones, making my 'thanks' turn into "Hmpdhj djk" I then throw a hand over my mouth, turning into a tomato.

He buckles and pulls me into a hug. "Hi I'm Niall!" he exclaims then pulls away. I look at him and clear my throat "I'm Annabella". We smile at each other one more time before I turn aroun to see Julie wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me. Well she tried.....

I look over to see the other three lined up looking at me. I blush a darker shade of red making my pale skin red. "Hi I'm Annabella" I say waving at them.

"I'm Liam" Liam says to me and I roll my eyes inwardly. I already know who they are. "I'm Zayn" Zayn quietly says.

"I'm the sass master from Doncaster" Louis says holding out his hand. "Agh why the helicopter." he says before pulling me into a hug making me giggle when he said helicopter.

When he's done killing me with his hug I walk over and plop down on the couch putting my feet on Harry lap.

"Guys, I can tell were all gonna be great friends" I say smiling and everyone nods, also smiling.

And I didn't miss Julie checking out Zayn. Tut-tut Julie. Shell be interrogated later.


It's almost time for the concert and we have to go to our seats now. Pouty face!!!

We wane goodbye to the boys and head out to get our seats. When we get there, front row baby, I see some girls with crazed looks in their eyes. Creepy.....

Well I probably look like that when I see a turtle so.... Yeah I need mental help.

We get to our seat and Somme girl is staring at us. She must be only around 6 or 7. Shes so cute! She has blonde hair and blue eyes. I love kids, when there bot annoying me that is.

She grins at me an I smile back. I turn back spurns to see Julie on her phone, most likely on twitter. She's a little bit of a Twittahollic.

The light dim and screams get louder. The boys come on stage and it's like BAH BAM! My ear drums are gone just like that.

They started with I Want and went through the rest of the songs. Then it came to WMYB, where they bring a girl on stage each. Zayn grabbed Julie and Harry reached for me but I shook my head and held up one finger.

Turning around I reached for the little girls hand an smiled. She looked at me with wide eyes and grabbed my hand. I picked her up and handed her to Harry. He smiled anther and she giggled. He then winked at me and walks around singing to her.

Before I knew why was happening, I was being dragged on stage. Looking behind me I see a smiling Niall. I smile back an sing along with him. When it's over I get the girl down to her mum and walk off stage with the boys as the two other girls Lou an Liam pulled up leave.

We all gather around and make plans to see each other tomorrow. As were leaving, Niall pulls me aside. He looks at me nervously and blushes.

"Doyouwannagooutonadtaekindathingwithme?" he blurts out. "Slow down, what?" I say. He looks at me and studders out "Do you wanna go out on a date type kinda thing with me?" he asks.

I chuckle and his face falls. I look up smiling. "I'm sorry Niall," I start off teasing him "But looks like you get stuck with me for a night." I say smiling wider. A grin spreads across his face that looks like it could break it. He picks me up in a hug and I laugh freely, feeling comfortable with him.

We exchange numbers and say goodbye hugging again and drive home. As soon as I get back I flip on my bed asleep. Dreaming about a certain leprechaun.




K it's like 11 and I have to get up for school tomorrow. Cool. sorry it's like mega ultra super short :/ I'll try and make the next one longer.


BYE. !!!!! DONT GET HERPEES. !!!!!





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