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Nervously I knock on the door of the gorgeous white house

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Nervously I knock on the door of the gorgeous white house. A blonde girl opens the door and smiles. "Max! Babe hey!" She says almost screaming of excitement. I smile and hug her. "Hey Heather, how are you?" I ask and she smiles.

"Well, you know... my birthday party is soon and I'm so excited. Come in, come in!" she hurries and I chuckle. Heather and I have met through a summer camp. I'm not sure why I was at that camp, but we became friends.

We always held contact and lucky for me, her parents allowed me to move in for a little while. I get inside and she helps take my stuff to a spare room and hugs me again. "Tell me about boys." She says and I chuckle. "You know I don't do boys." I say and she gasps. "Are you a virgin?" I shake my head and she looks confused.

"I'm not! Why are we talking about this. Tell me about your party, what will you be doing?" I ask quickly putting the spotlight on her and she gives me an evil grin. "Well, even though it's my birthday I can see you've been through some shit, so I called this boy I knew and invited him," I frown at her and my mouth shapes an 'o'. "Oh? You didn't have to-" she cuts me off by telling about school, I end up listening and smiling.

Tomorrow I am going to Beacon Hills High School for the first time. I'm both excited and nervous.

I'm part of the Gilbert family, or whatever you want to call us. Descendants of Katerina Petrova, adopted by the Gilbert family. I'm Elena Gilbert's sister, twin sister. And after hearing that freaking Vampires even exist I ran, far far away.

I got here really quickly, but hopefully, it is away from all kinds of supernatural creatures. Doppelgänger, it took me long enough to spell the damn word, I'm a Doppelgänger, ridiculous right?

My phone starts vibrating and I answer it, excusing myself. "Sorry," I take it out and I see it's Damon. "I gotta take this," I answer the phone and let out a sigh.

"Damon, what?" I ask, already annoyed. "We took care of Katherine, come back Max, please, we'll protect you from whatever danger is coming," he says and I sigh.

"You'll protect Elena, you know you will. It'll always be Elena no matter how much I try, I really don't want your help," I hang up and turn back with a tear in my eyes. I take a deep breath and sigh.

"I should go to sleep. It's been a long day," I mumble and Heather stands up, nodding. Once she leaves my phone vibrates again and I frown, groaning internally. I look at the caller ID, Stefan. "Sorry, give me two seconds," I say and pick up. "Stefan? Hello?" I ask and it's silent on the other line.

"Max, we can't protect you if you're not-" I immediately hang up and look back at the bed. I take a deep breath and smile to myself. I can do this, everything will be okay. You're strong, you're hot, you're amazing.

I got this.

~535 words~

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