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The next day I go to my new school, Beacon Hills High School. I got there early. I left before Heather even woke up, I just didn't wanted her to question me or something. I love her, but I'm still a stranger to her- yet she led me in her home so easily. I don't know, I feel weird.

Besides we don't even go to the same high school. I was bringing my new books to my new locker when I made my towards my next class.

I would've made it in time if I wasn't pushed against the lockers by a certain vampire. "Hello Max." He says and his eyes turn darker. Damon. How did they even find me? Okay, it wasn't like i was really hiding, I did answer the phones. "Come with me Max," I struggle to get out of his grip, wishing someone is gonna help me.

"Let me go, please," the tears fill up and I feel like crying, his grip being really painfull. "You are gonna die if you don't come with me," he says and holds me tighter.

"You don't care if I die or not," I snap and groan from the hard grip he's holding me under. Suddenly he gets ripped off of me and I gasp. "Hey, don't touch her," a boy my age says and I clench my teeth. The boy looked strong, but not strong enough compared to Damon.

"Damon just go, please just go, Katherine is locked up in a tomb and I won't die, please. I don't want your protection," I whisper/yell at him and look at the boy. "Dude, you heard her, go," another boy says and pushes him on the chest, but Damon didn't move one inch. The boy seems intimidated and gulps, stepping back. Well, that was awkward.

Damon hisses, his fangs showing. "Damon!" I hiss, giving him a panicked look. "I hate wolves." Damon snarls and I frown, glancing at the boy. His eyes turn yellow and I swallow my fears, shaking my head.

If I were on time this probably wouldn't have happened. Where are all the students?!

Before Damon could do something I step in the middle and look at him. "Don't touch them," I say quickly and look at the boys. My new found confidence comes in handy when I lean over and whisper in his ear. "I swear if you touch any of these kids I will get a wooden stake and I will shove it so far up your ass that it'll come out of your mouth." I say and look back at him. "Damon go home!" I hiss the last part and look at him, he sighs, but nods.

"Fine," then he's gone, vamped away. I didn't bother to look at the boys next to me. "What the-" The boy who stopped Damon in the first place says and looks at me. "Is he..?" He asks and I look at him. "He's fast, yeah." He looks at me intensely and i slowly back against the locker.

"I'm Scott. This is Stiles." Scott says and I just nod. Stiles had his mouth agape in frustration and sighs. "Why? Why do we need another set of crestures we know nothing about." He sighs and I look over at Scott, who was shaking his head. "Who was that?" I look back to Stiles, who had now crossed his arms and looks at me like he's a detective. I just shrug. "Damon Salvatore, he's uhm... He's my sisters boyfriend, I think, with her she switches so fast between the Salvatore brothers even I can't keep up with it, well I think she's with Damon now, God I don't even know," I chuckle the last part and look down.

"I gotta go to my class." I quickly turn around, ignoring the fast heart beat I have and basically run towards my class.

My phone dings on the way and I read the text of the unknown number. I see Stiles, Scott and some other people they seem friends with sitting too and I gulp, sitting down.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." The text read and I frown.

"It is also the last text you will receive in this class." She says and shows her phone. "Phones off, everyone." I did as asked, but felt nervous.

We were working in silence when the principal came in. "Mr. McCall?" Our teacher, who introduced herself as Ms. Blake says. I look up at Scott and see him standing up. Scott McCall. Nice name.

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