𝟬𝟭𝟲. 𝗧𝗔𝗟𝗞

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"You told Jenna the stupidest thing ever! That I'm dating a 30 year old? I don't do dating and you know that." I say and she just sighs. "Fine. You're having sex with a 30 year old!" She says and I scoff.

"He's not even 30," I add and she sighs.

"It's not the reason I needed to be here right? You thought your little plan would work." I say and laugh. "Just because John's back, or Damon turned good or something, I'm not coming back." I say and she sighs.

"You can't just do this to me, to Jeremy." I scoff and she looks at me. "Sure. Go blame me for your unhappiness! You have a boyfriend, a fling with Damon, a brother who loves you, an aunts favourite and you have the perfect friends! So yeah, I am doing this for me, not you." I say and look at her.

"Now get out." I say and she looks at me. "What?" She asks and I stop the car. "I said get out. I am done living up to your expectations Elena. I'm gonna go back, I'm gonna have a nice cup of coffee and then have make up sex with my boyfriend. Is that what you wanna hear?!" I yell the last part and she just looks at me, tears in her eyes.

"You can't treat me like this," She says and I raise my chin. "Then man up and leave. Respect yourself. I'll see you at the rituals." I say and she just sighs. "You're killing yourself Max, I love you and you're doing this to yourself." She says and shakes her head.

"You and Jeremy didn't get along since you left. You and Jenna don't get along, you and John don't get along, you and me don't get along, you and my friends don't get along, don't you see a pattern here?" She asks and I feel tears in my eyes.

"It's because I am not a person they want to see. It's because I'm not you, you understand?" I ask and I shake my head. "And I love Jeremy. I love you, heck I might even care about Stefan, but I can never live in your shadows." I say and she opens the door.

"Now get out." I say and she closes the door. I take a deep breathe, driving away. I arrive at Katherine's tomb and walk towards it, seeing it open. "Katherine?" I call out, my voice shaky.

"I have some things for you." I say and let out a sigh. Katherine appears and I see her appear. "What do you have?" I say and I look at her. "I want your help, in exchange for mine." I say and put a bag down.

"Sure." She says and I nod. "What do you know about the threefold death?" I ask and eye her. "Ah." She says and I frown. "Do you know about it?" I ask and she nods. "Throat, head and strangled right?" She asks and I look at her, nodding.

"And you're wondering..?" She starts and I look at her, raising an eyebrow. "If it has anything to do with Klaus." I say and she chuckles. "No." She just answers and shrugs.

I throw a bottle at her and she grabs it quickly, drinking a bit. "You still want something?" She asks and I look at her. "You know a lot but you never say anything."

"I know. Its a gift." She says and I nod.

"Listen Katherine I'm gonna be honest with you, I want to trust you and I want to help you." I say and she frowns. "Why?" She asks and I shrug. "Something inside of me tells me I should. But you tell me this, how do you find klaus?" I ask and she scoffs. "You don't find Klaus, he finds you." She says and I get closer to her.

"I'm not kidding, Katherine." I say and she chuckles. "Me neither. Now don't you have somewhere to be?" She asks and I shake my head.

"This is useless." I say and grab a white bottle and sigh. "I was gonna give you vervain, so that you can't be any more compelled by Elijah, but if you don't want too..." I trail off and she looks at me, sighing.

"Wait! Elijah isn't the only sibling Klaus has." She says and I look at her. "So?" I ask and she nods. "If you can find them, you'll find Klaus." I chuckle and shake my head. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, but here." I say and put it on the edge. "It's just over it, you can take it." I say and give her a smile.

"It's not!" She says quickly and I look at her. "I know." I say and smile, leaving. "You say I'm like you? I'll act like you." I say and she clenches her jaw. "But you'll never be like me." She says and I smile. "That's exactly the point." I say and walk away, leaving her.

I get back in my car and see Caroline texted me. Where r u? I frown and sigh.


I ask and look at the phone.

Just wondering. Since a lot of happened

I sigh and roll my eyes. Now she's concerned?

I'm heading back. Bye Caroline

I close my phone and drive towards Beacon Hills. Stopping halfway to sleep in a hotel room because I'm really tired. I'll go to Beacon Hills tomorrow. Yeah.

~920 words~

Max is such a bitch lol

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