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"Jared you suck!" Coach yells while everyone runs out of the bus coughing

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"Jared you suck!" Coach yells while everyone runs out of the bus coughing. "Hey somebody grab some towels or a mop... or a new bus."

Stiles, Allison, Lydia, Scott and me help Scott inside of an abounded bathroom and help him down. Allison lifts his shirt up and I gasp when I see black around his wound, and his veins turned black too.

"Oh my God, why didn't you tell us?" Allison asks and I look at him, worried. "Sorry." He says and Lydia puts her hand for her mouth.

"Just give us a second, okay?" Allison asks and we look at each other. "This shouldn't be happening," Allison says and I nod. "I've seen him heal from worse than this." I look at Scott and sigh. "Okay, what do we do then? Do we just call an ambulance?" I ask and Allison looks a little panicked, which I understand completely.

"What if... what if its too late? What if they can't help?" She suggests and Stiles looks around. "We gotta do something." Stiles says and Lydia looks at us. "You know, it could be psychological." She says and I frown. "What do you mean, like, psychosomatic?" Stiles asks and Lydia looks at him like he just said that he killed someone.

"Somatoformic." She responds and I look at them. I have no idea what that means. Help. "A psychical illness from a psychogenic cause." She says and I nod. "Oh, it's all in his head." I say and scoff. Just said that. "All in his head? Because of Derek?" Stiles suggests and I nod. "He's not letting himself heal 'Cause of Derek, because Derek died." I say and sigh, this isn't his fault.

"Stitch him up." Lydia says and I frown at her. "I'm serious. Maybe all he needs to do is just believe he's healing." I nod and look at them. "I'll be outside," I say and quickly walk outside.

I see Isaac and sigh. "Isaac," I say and look at him. "I want to hurt him," I say and he frowns. "I know. Me too." He says and I look down. "This happened because of him you know?" I ask and nod at Ethan.

"Scott might die because of him." Isaac turns his hands into a fist and I continue. "This happened because of them?" Boyd asks and I nod, then I see them storming at Ethan.

Isaac punches, me and Boyd watch, smiling. "Isaac! Isaac! Isaac! Back off!" Coach yells, and Danny tries to pull him back, but Isaac is stronger.

"Stop!" Scott yells and my smile drops. "Isaac!" Scott yells over everyone, his voice authorities making shiver go down my spine. Isaac just looks at Scott, panting. We all stare at each other, and my blood boils.

Ethan deserves everything he got, if not more.

"Let's go." Stiles murmers and I sigh, but nod.

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