𝟬𝟭𝟯. 𝗗𝗥𝗨𝗡𝗞

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I smile like an idiot to the phone, knowing he's not able to see me. "Are you drunk?" I giggle a little and sigh. "No, Damon, I'm not, I'm just getting over a guy," it's silent for a while and I yawn. "Me?" I scoff and sigh. Of course it is all about him, his cocky, handsome annoying face.

"No, not you, maybe a little bit you and a little bit another guy," I close my eyes and then open them again. "You don't seem like the jealous type, well as long as it isn't about Elena," I say in a mocking tone.

"That's not true Max, I cared." I stay silent for a while. Cared. "Exactly, past tense. Listen I don't know why I called, I was actually assuming you were too busy flirting with my sister when she's obviously in love with your brother." I say and sigh. "Have you said I love you yet?" I ask again mocking and giggle like crazy.

I look down and up again. "I gotta go," I hang up and clench my teeth. Why is this happening to me. I didn't really love Damon, I know that, I guess I'm jealous of Elena. She has the Salvatore brothers walking her around like escorts and its driving me crazy.

I know Elena, and sometimes I genuinely think she doesn't mean to hold both them on a leash, but then again, what is there that they wouldn't do for her? Anyhow, after Caroline and Damon sort of broke up, I don't even know if they were together in the first place, but that's another subject, he got to me.

He didn't needed to compel me to have feelings for him. I liked him. I'm a sucker for a bad boy. I mean I didn't necessarily wanted Damon, but he was looking for a rebound and I was there.

I'm making a lot of stupid decisions this year, specifically if I'm being hunted, sacrificed and then not to mention the horrors a normal 17 year old teenager has to endure.

I didn't hear anything from Derek when I opened the door of his loft, so that was cool. Well... if it wasn't for the blasting sound of an alarm going off I might have actually got away with sneaking back in.

Before I could even realise I felt some vibe next to me, so me being me I grabbed my small knife-in-my-pocket and almost slashed Derek's throat.

"Jesus Max," Derek says and I hold back my knife. "It's 4? 5 in the morning," he says and I sigh. "I'm sorry," I say and look down.

"Why are you here so late?" I huff and look at him. "I sort of live here, but I saw Elijah and he came to me-"

"Elijah came to you?" I look at him clenching h teeth. "Don't interrupt me, I was talking," he opens his mouth to talk back, but I raise an eyebrow, making him shut up.

"Anyways, Elijah came to me, told me I probably won't be sacrificed if I didn't protest, because he'll kill his brother, or so he says," I sigh waving it off with my hand and look at him.

"Then I got drunk and called my ex and then I got back here," I shrug and look at him. "I just- God I don't know why I'm here, you are obviously still not into me," I shrug and he raises an eyebrow.

"Anyways. I'm tired." I say and walk away, my drunk mind not comprehending what was going on. "If you weren't drunk..." he whispers and I cock and eyebrow. "I do, like you." He says and an idea pops in my head.

"Can I sleep in your bed?" I ask, suddenly sleepy and I don't get a reply at first but then a small nod. "It's comfier." I have no idea if it is, I just wanna lay down somewhere else.

I leave without saying anything further and I get into his bed, changing clumsily and trying not to fall over. I slowly drift off to sleep, my head hurting and my brain burst with questions I can't answer and answers to questions I don't have. 

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