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"Heather!" I yell from upstairs

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"Heather!" I yell from upstairs. "What?" She yells back and her eyes widen. "Oh my God!" She says gasping. "You look absolutely, fucking, gorgeous." She says and I smile. "Don't tempt me, I'm starting to feel prettier than you." I joke and she chuckles. "You can if you want too," she says genuinely and pats my head. "Shut it, you are definitely the prettiest girl in the room. Every guy is gonna get jealous of you." I say and she smiles. "Now you mention that, remember that boy I invited?" She says and I nod. "Yeah, what about him?" I ask and she smiles.

"One, he's gonna bring a friend for you, and two, I'm gonna..." she says smirking slightly and I gasp lightly. "Really?!" I whisper shout and high five her.

"Cool!" I say and hug her. "I'm gonna introduce you to them." She says and I smile. "Okay." The door opens and Heather walks towards another girl.

"Stiles! Hi!" Heather says and my head snaps towards his. "Oh lord." I whisper and look at my glass. Stiles and Scott were here. I should go hide somewhere.

"There's the birthday girl-" Stiles is being cut off by Heather kissing him, making my mouth hang slightly open. That is the friend? Scott looks surprised too and we share a look.

"So glad that you made it." Heather says and glances at me. "Me too." He says fast and I smile at his reaction. "Max, this is Stiles and.." she says looking at Scott. "Scott." He answers and Heather turns to me.

"The spare room can be locked." She whispers making me cough on the air and she winks, making my face go bright red. "Come downstairs with me and help pick out a bottle of wine." She says and Stiles looks at Scott. "Yes." He says and they look around.

"It's not what it looks like." I say and Scott frowns. "What does it look like?" He asks and I look at him. "Like I want to have sex with you." I say and he chuckles. "You know her?" He asks and I nod. "Yeah. I live here." I say and he nods.

"What did you give her Heather for her birthday?" He wonders and I give him a smile. "A bracelet." I say, it was with vervain just in case Damon acts on his feelings again and wants to kill someone.

I walk around in the party and it soon got bored. I just wish I knew what was gonna happen."

My mind wandered to Elijah and  Scott noticed I was off too. "What's wrong?" I was not going to burden him with my problems on top of his own. I shake my head and shrug. "I don't like parties." I say and he chuckles. I then walk away from him, in need of a distraction.

. . .

Heather's parents kicked me out. 

They couldn't find her, who was probably still with Stiles. but, she was gone and they blamed me, that she threw a party. I tried to explain she already had those plans, but they didn't want to hear anything.

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