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I woke with Scott holding me, Scott was soaking in gasoline and I was too, he held a flare and I gasp, trying to get out of his hold, but he holds me firmly. "Scott." I heard Allison says and I see her appear. "Allison." I say and look at her, helpless eyes staring into her brown ones.

"Scott?" Allison asks and I see Stiles here too. Allison looks at the empty gasoline and Scott looks up, meeting his friends' eyes. There is silence, all three of them just staring at us, while I stand still.

I don't want him to accidently burn us.

"There's no hope." He says and his voice was broken. "What do you mean Scott? There's always hope." Allison says and I see tears in her eyes. "Not for me." Scott says and I can hear the guilt in his voice.

"Not for Derek." I let a tear fall at the mention of Derek and I look at Stiles. Help. "Derek wasn't your fault." Allison says and I look at Scott. It was mine. "You know Derek wasn't your fault," Allison says carefully and tilts her head, not moving an inch.

"Everytime time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. I mean, if we're not dying now, we'll get killed because of Max, and I can't stop that either." He says and I gulp, looking down.

"People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed." Stiles says and Allison shakes her head in denial. "Scott, listen to me okay? This isn't you, all right?" Stiles says and takes a step forward.

"This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay now-" Scott cuts Stiles off before he can continue. "What if it isn't? What if it's just me? What if killing her is me?" He holds me tighter and I let another tear roll over my cheek.

"What if... doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else?" He asks and Allison puts her hand in front of her mouth, getting emotional. Scott's breathe quickens and I can see he has a hard time.

"It all started that night, the night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that?" He asks, not looking at Stiles. "Just you and me?" He asks and Stiles has tears in his eyes, stepping forward.

"We were... we were nothing." A beat. "We weren't popular, we weren't good at Lacrosse. We weren't important." He says and hitches over his breathe. "We were no one." He says and not once does he look at Stiles. "Maybe I should just be no one again."

It isn't my place to speak, I know I can't convince him and speaking would only make it worse, so I stay quiet.

"No one at all." He says and moves the flare up, making my breathe hitch.

"Scott, just listen to me okay?" Stiles asks and looks at me. "Just let her go." He whispers and Scott looks at me, looking down. "I..." he starts, but doesn't let go.

"Scott, please. You're not no one. Okay you're someone? You're..." Stiles looks at Scott and I see he's crying. "Scott, you're my best friend." Scott looks back and his grip loosens on me. Stiles takes my hand gently and squeezes it once, slowly pulling me out of Scott's hold. "Okay? I need you." He says and I take a step forward, seeing I'm out of Scott's hold and quickly walk towards Lydia.

Stiles focuses on Scott again and takes a deep breathe. "Scott, you're my brother." He looks down and nods to himself. "All right so..." he says and takes another step forward, stepping in the gasoline. "So if you're gonna do this," I gasp silently as I see him gently take the flare. "Then I think you're gonna have to take me with you."

Scott starts crying, along with basically the rest of us. Stiles takes the flare and Scott cries. I watch Stiles throw it away and I let out a long breathe. Scott hyperventilate Allison takes a step forward, probably feeling bad for him.

"No!" I hear Lydia scream and she grab my hand, throwing me, Scott, Stiles and herself away from the gasoline. It lits up and I gasp, covering my eyes.

We stay there for half an hour, on the ground, making sure we're not gonna die. When the coast is really clear we slowly stand up. "I'll go get some new clothes." Allison murmers and I nod, shaken up by all of this.

Eventually Lydia, Allison and Stiles leave, leaving me with Scott. "Max I'm-" he starts but I cut him off. "I understand." I say and look at him. "What?" He asks somewhat surprised and I nod.

"I understand your guilt, maybe even more than you think. And I'm not mad about... this, even though its pretty freaky." I say and look down. A Doppelgänger is supernatural too, so I must have had the same influence as the rest.

Only I didn't try to kill myself, instead, I got myself almost killed. Which could be sort of suicide... I guess.

I guess Elijah isn't dead after all and this is just a silly hallucination, I don't know what I would have done if it was a hallucination. But now it's over, it's finally over.

. . .

We were sleeping on the bus. We being Isaac, Lydia, Allison, Stiles, Scott, Boyd and me. No way in hell we were gonna sleep back there.

"I don't want to know. I really don't want to know." I hear coach say and open my eyes. "But in case you missed the announcement. The meets cancelled so we're heading home." Coach says and turns around. "Pack it in, pack it in!" He yells and I yawn.

I see Ethan sitting next to Scott and I frown, looking at them. "I don't know what happened last night. But I'm pretty sure you saved me life." He says and Stiles leans forward. "Actually I saved your life." I glance at Stiles and roll my eyes and he sighs.

"But not that it matters that much, it's a minor detail..."

"So I'm gonna give you something. We're pretty sure Derek's still alive." Ethan says and I sit up straight. "But he killed one of ours, that means one of two things can happen. Either he joins or pack," Ethan says and glances at me. "And kills his own." Scott says and Ethan nods. "We're not stupid, so she's in the clear. We know about the deal you have with Elijah Mikaelson, and as much as I like you dead, we value our lives." He says and I just nod.

"The other possibility, Kali goes after him and we kill him. That's the way it works." He says and wants to stand up. "You know your little code of ethics there is sort of barbaric, just FYI." Ethan walks away not answering and Stiles sits next to Scott.

Lydia sits down with Coach' whistle and I frown, looking up at her. We all look at her and I frown, seeing her blow the whistle with her hand above it. She shows a purplish dust and looks confused. "Wolfsbane." She says and I connect the dots.

"So every time the coach blew the whistle on the bus, Scott, Isaac, boyd-"

"And Ethan," Lydia adds. "We all inhaled it." Scott says and I nod. "You guys were all poisoned by it." I say and Allison nods. "So that's how the Darach got in their heads. That's how he did it." Stiles says and it's silent, before he grabs the whistle. The bus starts moving and he opens the window, throwing it out. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Stilinski!"

~1294 words~

I'm sorry for not updating for a while, normally I read my books on here and then get reminded to update, but I've been reading it on a different site so I forgot about this app😭

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