𝟬𝟭𝟰. 𝗠𝗔𝗗

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"Derek!" I almost scream, gasping when he's laying down on the bed, not looking good. "What did you do?!" I yell at the girl that's just standing there. "Who the fuck are you?" She yells and lifts me up easily, making me want to punch her.

"Did you hurt him?" I ask and push her back, but failing. "Cora?" Derek groans and my head snaps to him. I start laughing and look back at Cora. "The psychotic sister who tried to murder everyone." I say and smirk.

"Cora let go of her." He says and I look at Derek. "You're the girl." She says and smiles sheepishly. "Shame your my brothers. You're cute." She says and looks at Derek. "She's cute." She let's go off me and I sigh, looking at Derek.

"Thanks. But I'm not his property." I say and glance at Derek. "What happened here?" I ask and glance at the blood and the injured Alpha.

"Deucalion stopped by." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "They're trying to stir us up. Aiden and Ethan got Isaac in detention, but now Aiden is suspended." I say the last part smirking and Derek raises an eyebrow.

"Cora. Leave us." He says and I walk towards him. I look at him and he pulls me towards him, kissing me deeply. I close my eyes and he smiles into the kiss. I break the kiss and look at him, smiling softly.

"You're injured." I say and he nods. "You can't say no to the injured can you?" He asks and pulls me flat against him. "I can, actually." He smiles and shakes his head. "Um, I need to talk to you, actually." He says and my smile drops.

"You're kissing me and now you're serious?" I ask and look at him. "I want to be with you, but you're young-" I cut him off and smile. "So what?" I say and he sighs. "You know what." He points out and I sigh. "If you're worried about me, then don't. I'm fine with this and I know you are too." He looks at me with a pained expression and I stand up.

"Figure it out for yourself Derek, I don't mind." I remind him again and my phone starts vibrating. "Elena?" I ask answering and Derek sits up. "No I'm not alone. I'll call you in a bit." I say and grab my jacket, hanging up.

"See you." I say and walk out. I don't mind not being in a relationship with him if he's not comfortable with the age gap. But he kissed me. Not the other way around. I guess being a Doppelgänger gives you some free credit to date old guys right?

As long as I don't start dating an Original I can choose anyone older than me, Elena has an age gap of like 130 years. "Hey." As long as Derek respects my privacy he isn't supposed to hear me, since I'm outside the building.

"You need to come back like right now." She says and I frown. "What do you mean?" I ask and Elena sounds panicked. "There has been a few changes. Rose's dead." She says and I let out a sigh. "Oh." I say and look down.

"Jenna knows John is our dad." I stay still and let her continue. "She wants to talk to you." I sigh and shake my head. "I'm not coming. She can figure it out herself." I say and Elena groans. "I don't want to be in the middle of this Max. Please." She says and I chuckle.

"Please isn't gonna help you. Why is John there anyways?" I ask and Elena scoffs. "Stefan."

"I don't trust him." I say and I can hear her frowning. "Stefan?" She asks and I face palm myself. "John, Elena, I don't trust John."

"Listen. I don't really care why he's here. I have a problem. People are sacrificed." I say and take a deep breathe. "It's called the threefold death. According to Google it was used back in Egypt. Egypt Elena, what if Klaus is sacrificing people as a warning? Or-or as a preparation for the real deal?" Isaac was being weird and I didn't believe it at first, but then I realised it might as well be true.

"I don't think-"

"Actually. Tell aunt Jenna I'll come soon." I say and she sighs. "Okay. I'll see you." I hang up, not answering and look outside. No one is here.

If Katherine knows answers... I might as well give it to her. I'll figure out how to open the tomb once I get there, but I don't have time for it right now.

"You're not leaving." Derek says making me flinch. "What?" I ask and look at him carefully. He was listening. "You're not going to bring yourself in danger. Again." He let's go of me and I sigh.

"I won't go." I say and he frowns. "You're lying." He says and I roll my eyes. "No. Why would I go? Its not like my aunt has something good to say. I don't have any reason to go to her." It is true what I was telling and that's why Derek couldn't detect my lie.

"I trust you." He says and I look up at him. He's pulling that card huh? "I trusted you wouldn't listen to my phone calls." I say somehow mad and want to leave, but he grabs my arm. "I'm not letting you convince people you're not gonna die and then jump in front of any opportunity to sacrifice yourself. You're an idiot if you think I believe you and you're an idiot for giving up so easily." He says and I get closer to him.

"I'm not giving up." I hiss and rip myself away from his grasp, walking away. "Go home. You're injured." With that I leave to go to my car, texting Elena's number.

I'm leaving. You better have some comfy clothes for me because they don't want me to leave.

Sighing to myself I look away, I have to get answers. Willing, or forcefully. I put my hand on the steering wheel and still completely, but then I slowly move my feet. It's not there. I lift my foot and pull my sock down.

My bracelet is gone.

I see it started raining and sigh. I need to go back upstairs to my backup bracelet. I need some in my car too. I get upstairs in the rain quickly and open the door, seeing Derek standing by the window, looking at the rain.

"I don't get it, well, did something happen?" I overhear Isaac asking and I look at them before rushing towards my room. "It's just not gonna work with both of you three here. I've got Cora now here too, it's too much." I hear Derek say and I grab my bag, silently listening.

"I need you out tonight." I grab the bracelet and Isaac scoffs. "Where am I supposed to go?" He asks and I look at them. "Somewhere else." He says and I stand next to Isaac, looking at him confusingly.

"Did I do something wrong Derek?" Derek turns around and his eyes darken when he looks at me. "You're doing something wrong right now by not leaving." He says pointing at the door.

"Oh, come on." I stand in front of Isaac and look at Derek. "Just get out." He says and I look at them. "You're not kicking him out because of me. I'll leave." I say and Derek shakes his head.

"It's not about you." He snaps and moves forward. "Derek come on, you can't choose her, someone you've just met over me, someone who fought with you." He says and I eye Isaac, nodding. "He's right. I'll go," I move to leave, but suddenly throws his glass at me and Isaac, making me gasp.

"What the hell Derek!" I yell and look at Isaac, who just leaves. I walk over to him, angry. "Max-" I stop in front of him, looking up.

"I want to slap you in the face right now. But unlike other people I understand that that isn't the solution." I clench my teeth and turn around.

"Max, stay." I raise my middle finger and then I see Cora. She gives me a smile and I just get out.

Mystic Falls, here I come.

~1401 words~

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