𝟬𝟭𝟬. 𝗖𝗔𝗟𝗟

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"Hey Heather, it's me Max. Please tell me you're okay, I'm really worried. Listen if you need me to cover for you, or-or you're sleeping with someone I can do that, but just- Heather you need to be okay, please."

I hang up, sending another voicemail to Heather's phone. She was still gone, and I was still worried.

I assumed the worst. How couldn't I? She was probably dead...

I walk towards Stiles and Scott who just got out of Stiles' Jeep. I look at the window and gasp when I see Elijah behind me. I spin around and see nothing. "Hey you okay?" Stiles asks confused and I look at where Elijah was supposed to be before, but he was nowhere to be found. "Fine." Is my quick response as I recover from my heart attack.

I look at them and quickly recover, smiling. "Hey guys. And?" I ask and Scott sighs. "We get to Derek's at 5 to go over the plan and then we don't get started until dark." Scott explains and I nod. "Okay, what do we do till then?" I ask and Scott looks at me.

"What, right now? We've got English." Scott says and I nod. "Have you heard anything?" I ask Stiles and he shakes his head. He knew I was talking about Heather, because he was just as worried as I was.

We get into English and I glance at Scott. "Where is the teacher- Ms. Blake?" I ask and Stiles sighs.

"Hello class, you're teacher felt sick today, I will be your substitute teacher." My heart drops and my breathing gets faster. No. No. No. I squeeze my eyes shut. This must be a dream. I'm dreaming.

"In matter of fact I am very good in English literature." I stand up abruptly, my eyes shooting up. In front of me is Elijah Mikaelson. Tears fill my eyes and I Stiles looks up.

"Who's that?" He whispers and I look at him. I couldn't say anything, my breathing getting rapidly. "Are feeling unwell, Ms. Gilbert?" I could feel their stares, but no words left my mouth.

Images of Trevor shoot in my head. Is that what's going to happen to me?

"You're dead." I said barely above a whisper. Scott looks confused, hearing what I said and Elijah gets closer to me. "I was already dead when you met me," he says and smirks. I look around to see what the class reaction is to that, but no one reacts. Then I understand, they're compelled... "I'll take her to the nurse." Scott says and stands up also, getting a weird look from Allison and Lydia.

He's gonna kill me.

Shut up.

He's nothing compared to klaus.

Don't be afraid of him, he's an Easter bunny.

I take one deep breath and look at them, nodding. "I'm fine. Its a-a miscommunication." I say and look at them, nodding. "I'm fine. I'm fine." I repeat and sit back down.

I'm fine.

Elijah smirks lightly as I look over at the window. It's daylight. Does he have a daylight ring? Well, of course he has.

. . .

When the class was over he called me. Everyone left except for me, Scott and Stiles, they stayed.

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