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"It's gotta be now, I don't have a choice." Derek says and I look at him. Lydia left, trying to find another way to save the parents.

Everything is making me on edge, so much that I almost forgot my own problems.

Almost. I wasn't stupid enough to think that Klaus was still out there, wanting me sacrificed. The lingering thoughts of turning into something- anything really makes me nauseous, but I can't unthink it.

What if that's the only option? But at what price? Katherine's entire bloodline was murdered. Except a baby then, otherwise we wouldn't have been here.

"You always have a choice, it's whether or not you can live with it the consequences of facing Kali, as a Beta." Peter's voice snapped me out my thoughts and back to my now problems.

Cora was really messed up, she was gonna die soon. "Yeah, but it's not just a full moon coming. It's a lunar eclipse. We'll all be powerless." He says and I nod.

Derek takes Cora's hand and the ritual starts. His veins are black and Cora's eyes shoot open. I can see his eyes are red and he growls.

I gasp at the force, but look at Cora. "It's working!" I say and nod. Now that Cora is alive, we can focus on the sacrifice.

"Fuck." Peter says and he looks at me. "I-I-" he stutters and I frown. "What?" I ask and he sighs. "We got another problem." He says and I frown. "The sacrifice, your sacrifice, it happens tonight." He says and I frown. "What?" There's a knock on the door I look at Peter. How did he know? Was he eavesdropping?

He opens the door and I see Damon. "Great," I say and sigh. "Why are you here?" I ask and look at him. "Let me in." He says and I frown. "Why are you here, Damon?" I ask again and stand up. Everything in me screamed to sit down because it hurt so freaking much but I look at him anyways.

"Elena has vampire blood." He says and I frown. "I want to give it to you, because you will die." He says and I frown. "This is bullshit, I won't die-" I protest and Damon interrupts me.

"Elijah is giving you some elixer that he thinks works, it doesn't, probably, And right now you're still dying." He says and looks at Derek and Cora. "Wait- Elijah is alive again? Why didn't you tell me?" I say instead and Damon frowns.

"I don't think you're fling wants that to happen." He says and I chuckle. "Leave, Damon, we have bigger things to worry. My friends their parents are about to be ritually sacrificed in like 5 hours, so, I suggest you shut up." I say and look at him. "Leave." I say again and he leaves, as requested.

I let out a shaky breathe and close my eyes. Great. "You're okay." Derek says to Cora once Damon was gone. "I'm much better than you are right now. All because of you." She says and smiles.

"Hopefully not all for nothing. The moon is rising Derek, you drained your battery all the way to the red and there is a fully charged Alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb." Peter says and Derek sighs.

"I'll be fine in a few hours." He says and I nod. "I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have." I nod and look at my phone.

Literally everyone from Mystic Falls has called. But I'm not letting myself get sacrificed. Not tonight. The door opens and I see Lydia and Ethan, making me frown. "What?" I say and look at Derek. Who stands up.

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