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As they both stepped inside the home of Barton's, they felt exhausted. "Hi! You guys must be tired!" Clint Barton greeted the two women standing in the doorway. They both just nodded and mumbled a tired "hello" back. "Heyy! Come on in!" Laura Barton came from the kitchen while holding a freshly baked apple pie in her hands.

Clint showed the way to the attic where Nat and Maria could stay for the night or two. The attic looked more modern than you would expect from the outside. There was a king sized bed in front of the window. The window was covered with yellow drapes. The bed was made with a black cover which gave the room some contrast. In the other end of the room (attic) there was a bathroom that was decorated using the same colors as the main area.

"This looks really nice, I didn't expect it to look soo... fancy" Maria uttered while gazing at the room. Nat nodded even though she had been there before. "Thanks, Laura decorated this by herself!" Clint replied. He took a look at Nat, who seemed really tired and continued "Soo... why won't you too get some rest! If you need something to eat we've got you, just come downstairs to ask!" Maria and Nat smiled and nodded while Clint turned around and went away.

"Hey, if you don't mind, I'll go to the shower now" Maria informed after a while. "Yeah, sure, go ahead." Natasha answered disinterestedly while concentrating on something on her phone. Maria took a fast look at her colleague but didn't bother to try to get her to talk, so she just went to the bathroom.

While Maria was in the shower, she couldn't control her thoughts that well. Her mind shifted from the last mission to her mission partner. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. She just hoped that Natasha would be more open but who she really was to blame - she either didn't share her emotions with anyone. As she stood there, water running down her body she let her mind slip a little bit off the work mode. She thought about the brightest smile she'd ever seen and the most beautiful eyes she could even imagine.

Maria snapped off from her thoughts as soon as she heard a knock on the door, it was Nat the person she was just thinking about... "What?" Maria turned the shower off to hear what her friend had to say. "I am going downstairs to get something to eat. You want something too?" Nat yelled behind the bathroom door. "Noo, I'm fine, I can go after I've showered!" Maria responded and turned the shower on again.

Natasha walked downstairs to get something to eat. She had had a few long days at the mission. Now she just needed food and more rest after that. She took an apple from the fruit basket and moved on to the living room. The Barton kids came running to Nat yelling "Aunt Nat!!!" Nat smiled at the kids and took them into a hug. "Dad didn't tell us that you were coming here!" Cooper sighed glaring at his father. "Guys let Aunt Nat be for a while, she has had a long day and you guys should go to sleep already." Laura said while walking to the living room. Nat gave all the children good night hugs before they headed to bed.

"Where's Clint? I gotta talk to him about something" Natasha asked Laura after she had come from the kids' bedroom. "Ohh is everything okay? He's probably in the garage working on something" Laura replied with a worried look on her face.

 Natasha just nodded and left for the garage. 

A/N : Sorry... this first chapter is short but the next one will be longer! I hope you'll enjoy reading this!! 

(It will get more exciting, I swear) 

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