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|Michelle's P O V|
Eldon and I are sitting in Squeezed talking about our duet, working out rehearsal times and stuff like that.
Suddenly Eldon got up,
"I just need to use the mens room, I'll be back in a few minutes, watch my stuff please. I don't want it stolen."
Eldon left Squeezed and I examined his things. He left a blue backpack on the table and his phone beside it, what kind of person just leaves their phone out like that. I giggled to myself,
I wonder if it's locked with a passcode... I picked up Eldon's phone and slid the screen, not expecting it to open without entering a passcode. Most people put passwords on their phones...
I stared down at Eldon's phone.
I shouldn't be doing this... this is his private stuff. I look down, the messages app looking right at me. Should I look through his texts? Probably not... but what if I find something? Like what if I can find out stuff about Emily... I decide to open the messages app, I know I shouldn't be doing this, but it's just so tempting. I look at all his contacts and the messages below them, none of his conversations seemed interesting, and why can't I find Emily... does she even text him? I stare down at the screen once more, then I see something interesting under the name Daniel. The message says 'I promise I will not tell anyone by the way. Bye Eldon.'
Not tell anyone what...
Without hesitating I open the conversation and look through it. What I read I was not excpecting... Eldon is gay? He doesn't even seem gay. Wait, and he kissed Daniel? When did all of this happen? Wait this means he doesn't actually have feelings for Emily.... I can't believe Eldon is gay, this could be so useful for me.
I close the messages app and turn off Eldon's phone, placing it where I found it. A minute later Eldon walks back in and sits back down on the couch.
"Ok, so where were we..."
I knew I had to say something to him, I have a plan, and I think he might want in on it.
"Look Eldon, we should date."
Eldon's eyes widened and he furrowed his brows.
"What? Why? Emily is my girlfriend and I love her..."
He loves her? Yeah right.
"Look my point is, you're gay, I'm gay, we should date."
I thought Eldon was about to have a heart attack, he dropped the glass he was holding, luckily it was nearly empty, and just stared at me with a frozen face for like 20 seconds.
"Wh- wha- how..."
Eldon could barely speak, he just muttered words. I know he has questions, maybe I should just say something...
"Look Eldon, I'm not gonna tell,
I just need you to do this, please."
Eldon shook his head, "Did Daniel tell you this!? I know I shouldn't have trusted him. My life is screwed. I'm going to-"
I stopped Eldon before he could say anything else.
"Daniel didn't tell me anything, Eldon."
"Then how did you..."
"Your phone, Eldon, I would honestly lock your phone."
Eldon started to blush out of embarrassment. Then he looked at me with a small smile.
"Wait so you're gay too? Like a lesbian?"
I laughed, honestly I knew I had nothing to hide from him, and I know he won't tell, plus, his reaction was too funny.
"Yes, now, will you go out with me or not?"
"What about Emily?"
"You need to break up with her."
Eldon looked at me like I was crazy.
"But there's a only week until Regionals, she'll probably quit or something if I break up with her for you!"
I know this isn't the best idea, but I just need someone to help hide my secret until I can get Emily to fall for me... somehow.

|Emily's P O V|
I walk into Squeezed and I see Michelle. She's sitting alone, so I take this opportunity to talk to her, confront her about Eldon. I think she likes him, no, I know she likes him. She spent the entire rehersal today staring at him. I can't believe her.
"Hi Michelle."
I sit down on the couch beside her chair. She gave me a really weird smile, she has to be hiding something, and I'm sure that that something is her feelings for MY boyfriend.
"Hi Emily, why are you here?"
I don't hesitate to accuse her, I know she's guilty, and she needs to stop with the whole innocent act.
"Look Michelle, I know you like Eldon, but he's mine, not yours, mine. So back off, okay?"
Did she just say no? How disrespectful.. I'm honestly starting to hate her again...
"Did you just say no?"
"I meant no, I don't like Eldon. He's all yours."
I don't believe Michelle for one second. She's screwed me over once, what's to stop her from screwing me over again...
"Look, I see the way you look at him, I see how often you look at him, and I see how weirdly you act around me, his girlfriend. I will not stand for this Michelle. Even though I'm your co-captain, it doesn't mean we have to be friends."
"Emily don't do this. Trust me, I don't like him. Just trust me."
Maybe Michelle was telling the truth... Wait why am I even considering believing her? I know she has to be lying. Be strong Emily, don't let her fool you.
"Trust you? Yeah right."
I get up and leave Michelle, I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on her.

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