Push Them Away

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|Michelle's P O V|
I tie up my blonde hair and head to Studio A. I can't believe tomorrow is Regionals. It only seems like last week I joined the next step, but it's been 4 months... 4 whole months. 4 months of happiness, sadness, strength and weakness to get to this point. Regionals is so close I can taste it. I want to win Regionals so so badly. Last year I was Miss Nationals soloist, and if we win Regionals, I'll have a shot at going for my second win in a row. But right now, I should definately have my attention on Regionals.
I open the Studio doors to see about half the team. I'm welcomed by Chloe and Riley. We go to the ballet bar to stretch and warm up for rehersal. We only have today to make sure this dance is PERFECT. We don't have room to make mistakes, ecspecially not against Elite.
Minutes later the rest of A-Troupe strolled in, including Emily. She discreetly waved at me and smiled.
My heartbeat is getting faster, she never waves or smiles or does anything like that to me. Maybe she likes me? No Michelle, no. She is straight. Don't get your hopes up.
"Michelle are you okay?"
I zone back in, seeing Chloe looking at me with a look of worry spread across her face. Oh god, how long was I staring at Emily for?
I feel my skin on fire from embarrasment.
"Yea- yeah. Yeah, I'm, I'm good. I'm just gonna go..."
I gave Chloe an awkward smile and I walked away from her, and towards Eldon.
"You ready for Regionals tomorrow?" I ask him.
"Yeah, I'm so pumped!" Eldon had a wide smile plastered on his face, I can tell he's really excited for tomorrow.
"That's good. I really hope we win."
"Me too! It would be so cool to win Regionals."
I look to my right and I see Emily, our eyes met for a good 5 seconds before she walked away to go talk to Stephanie and Tiffany. Was Emily staring at Eldon and I? Oh no, she probably thinks I'm flirting with him again. Oh my god I am so stupid.
Eldon seemed to notice the exchange of looks between the two of us,
"So, how are things with you and Emily?"
I sighed. I don't know how things between Emily and I are. I can't tell if she hates me or likes me...
"The same as always."
"Don't worry Michelle, I think you have a chance."
My eyes widened, "Really?"
"Yeah, I see Emily staring at you all the time. Just yesterday when Miss Kate was talking to us, Emily couldn't keep her eyes off you. I think she might have a thing for you. I'm not 100% sure though."
Emily, having a thing, for me? I wish. Emily is probably just... just... well I don't know, but there has to be some other logical explanation behind it.
"Okay everyone, let's start rehersal, dancing has to be full out everyone!"
Everyone got into there positions and the music started, Miss Kate and Chris were walking around the room observing our dancing.

'Stutter, stutter, stutter, did did did did did I'

We got into our end poses, I felt that dance was really really good. The chemistry our team has now is like really amazing, I think it shows through our dancing.

"That was great everyone! Good job dancers! Okay now, let's go over the plan for tomorrow."

|Emily's P O V|

"Be here for 6am, don't be late. See you all tomorrow, get a good nights sleep!"
It seemed like Miss Kate had been talking forever. I just want to get home, eat dinner, shower, pack my competition stuff, and go to sleep.
I grabbed my bag and headed out. Just as I was about to head out of the front door, I got stopped by a tap on the shoulder. I turn around to see Stephanie and Tiffany, what could they possibly want?
"Em, how are you?" Stephanie asked,
what a weird question. We talked literally an hour ago...
"Umm, I'm good."
"That's good. It's just you haven't really been telling us much lately." Tiffany said.
"I just talked to you guys earlier..."
"But you haven't really, ya know, talked to us in 2 weeks. Are you sure everythings okay?" Stephanie asked. Why do they have to bother me right now...
"Yeah I'm sure, anyways I've gotta go, love you both, see you guys tomorrow at six." Before they could respond I walked out the door to my mom's car where Riley and my mom were waiting.

I get home and I immediatly go to my room. I put down my dance bag and empty it, then fill it back up with everything I need for tomorrow. Just as I'm about to finish packing, my phone goes off. I look at the screen, the number that appeared on the screen I had never seen before.
"Riley!" I shout, her room is at the end of the hall, so I have to shout to get her attention.
I hear footsteps appoaching my room. Riley walks in, slightly irritated,
"Yes, Em?"
I show her my phone, "Do you know this number?"
Riley enters the phone number into her contacts, "Oh, that's Michelle's number."
Michelle texted me... Michelle texted... me!? I'm internally freaking out right now.
"Oh okay thanks Riley."
Riley left my room and I shut my door. Forget packing, Michelle texted me. What should I say, she said 'hey'.... Should I say 'hi'? No that's too boring, I should just say hey back... Should I say 'Hey Michelle'? Maybe, you know what I'll just say hey, with two y's... Yeah that's good.

Me: Heyy

About 30 seconds later, I got a text back. Thank God she's a fast texter. It bothers me when people take hours to respond.

Michelle: Can i ask u something?

Ask me something? Like ask me on a date? I wish...

Me: Yeah, go ahead.

As I was waiting for Michelle to respond, my phone died. Of course. I rushed to plug it in, but I had to wait a few minutes for it to load back up. Those few minutes felt like a year. What could she be wanting to ask me? Best scenario is she's asking me out, but who am I kidding, there's no way she's a lesbian or even bi...
Finally my phone turned back on. I quickly entered my password.

Michelle: do u hate me?

Well I was not excpecting that... Do I hate her? Of course I don't... it's quite the opposite actually...

Me: Of course not, why would you even think that?

Why does Michelle think I hate her? Well, we do have a rough past, but now it's different. In fact, she'll probably end up hating me for liking her or something.

Michelle: oh, nevermind then. see ya tomorrow then. x

She used a kiss sign... a kiss sign. I wish she would kiss me, I wish she would just freakin' kiss me! But she'd probably rather be kissing Eldon than kissing me. Whatever, you know what, I just need to try push these feelings away for now. Tomorrow is Regionals and I still have a lot to do tonight. I turn off my phone and put it inside the drawer beside my bed. I don't need to be distracted right now, ecspecially not by her.

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