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It was a rainy day, two brothers were playing side by side, one of the brothers, the younger one, had a blue on the top of his flag, and a red at the bottom, on the middle of his face was a coat of arms

The older one, had a cross on his flag that divides the flag into four rectangles which were blue and red were at the top and red and blue at the bottom

The two brothers were playing happily, but the older one saw two strangers walking towards them, a woman and a man, he thought they were a couple so he didn't think much of it

But when they passed the younger child, the woman snatched him, and ran away

The older boy tried running after her but was grabbed on the arm by the man, he looked up at the man, his face turned from shock to fear when he saw who it was

It was Spain

one of the European powers who colonized almost every country that he finds

The older boy slowly took some steps back, but it was no use,Spain grabbed a gun, and shot the boy in his face

The boy screamed as he held his face in pain, the world around him slowly got darker and darker, as he eventually.... Passed out

The younger kid was panicking as he was put into a basement of some sort, just after getting kidnapped, the woman that took him away from his brother was.......


He had known about what the European powers have done to their colonies, and he was obviously scared as to what will happen to him and his brother, was he safe? Will France take him as well?

France put some food down for the boy and went back upstairs and locked the door so he couldn't get out (duh)

A million thoughts ran through the boy's mind, he was only 10,he couldn't fight back, his parents are dead, his friends are away

He only had his brother, who was surely taken away as well since he heard a gunshot and him screaming

Then his blood ran cold, what if.... His brother was dead.....
No, he couldn't be, he knew his brother would not leave him...

He had hope, he was gonna attempt to escape, no matter what it took, he would be free from this hellhole


This is probably not gonna be updated consistently, but i will try my best since im terrible at writing

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