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Haiti POV


"AAGH" I screamed not happy that the stupid alarm clock had to wake me up

Hello im Haiti, if you don't know who i am, im a nation in the Caribbean, most people know me for being the poorest country in the Americas, which obviously gets me to be picked on

My brother Dominican Republic, never does anything about it, since... Well he's one of the people to bully me, mostly because he hates me and my people for no reason at all, i dont get why he's suddenly so mean to me after he was free

I don't get why ever since he became rich and popular amongst the Caribbean, he has been treating me like shit, he makes me do everything in this house, he wouldn't even be able to survive without me!

But putting all that aside, he's still my brother and i love him very much(as a brother)

I sighed, realising i woke up late because i set the alarm at 8:00


"8:00 AM HOLY SHIT" I screamed as i realised school is starting at 8:30
And Domi probably didn't even eat food

I grabbed my bag with my books and ran outside quickly, i feel like i forgot something, oh wait i forgot my jacket, well doesn't matter i can handle the cold

I whipped around and sighed, oh boy im definitely gonna be late

I ran to school since walking to it would take like 40 minutes, i ran, took me 20 minutes, but i was almost out of breath,

I stood there for some moments, regaining my breath, when suddenly i get pushed to the ground

"Argh" I yelled as i collide with the ground, then suddenly someone pulls me up by the back of my shirt and made me face them

"Why did you wake up late, i didn't even eat anything, im surprised you even made it on time" Domi spat out

"Look you really have to learn how to cook we are in high school now-"

"SHUT UP!" Domi shouted, catching the attention of other people who were about to be late

Great, everybody is looking at us, some are gossiping, some are recording, and worst of all Domi looked like he was about to murder me

He always feels like trash when someone tells him something he can't do, i honestly felt bad for him, I definitely need to apologize to him, so i tried

"Look, im sor-"

"SORRY? YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE GARBAGE AND YOU EXPECT A SORRY TO FIX IT?!" Domi glared at me, of course he was taller than me, i was on the verge of passing out from fear

But something else luckily interrupted the tension "CRAP IM SO DEAD" yelled someone running

It truly made everyone realise just how late it was as we ignored everything that just happened and ran inside

Time skip to when school finished

As we all started walking to the hallways, i bumped into someone and they stumbled backwards

"O-oh my god im so sorry"

"Watch where you're going"

I took a look at who i bumped into.....


Yes it's a spoiler, but hey, im probably updating this tomorrow afternoon, i can't sleep so i just made this chapter to tire my eyes and empty my mind a little, but it just filled my mind with more ideas lol
I am most likely going to pay attention on this book the most out of all of my other books since this thing has been on my mind for weeks, anyways see you guys tomorrow, stay safe

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