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Haiti POV ~

"Are you sure about this?"

"Cmon it's just one sip"

"But my brother won't approve"

"Who cares about what your brother thinks, you can do what you want"

I was over at Jamaica's house, but it just happened that Cuba and Bahamas were there too,meaning everyone else were either smoking or drinking

They tried persuading me but i kept on refusing, but not gonna lie, it was tempting since i was getting pressured

"Fine, but you'll have to deal with drunk me"


But just then a knock on the door came and i quickly hid the bottle

"Why did you hide it?"Cuba asked

"What if it's my brother" I said, the others snickered

"What's so funny"

"Cmon iti, why would your brother come here anyways" Jamaica said as he went to open the door

"It's still gonna be embarrassing"

"No it's gonna make you look cool" Bahamas said and put my hand out just as the door opened, i looked over to see who it was

It was my brother....

And he was fuming with anger once he saw me hold the alcohol bottle.....


Sorry for not updating for so long, i couldn't get new ideas so sadly, that's that, i feel terrible that i didn't update this book during the holidays because now i rarely have time
Hope you all understand

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