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Warning: Swearing and Violence

Haiti POV ~

My brother caught me....almost drinking

And even if i didn't.... He wouldn't care, i can just feel whats coming for me at home

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING WITH MY BROTHER" He said as he grabbed Jamaica by the collar

Bahamas walked up to him and tried calming him down

"Hey, chill relax it's just one sip-"


The whole room went silent as soon as Domi punched Bahamas across the face, i quickly walked up to him and tried calming him down

"Hey Domi, look it's not what you think it is-"

"Don't even try finding an excuse" He said, anger clear in his voice

"They are clearly bad influences and you shouldn't hang out with them anymore" Domi said as he looked at them

"You can't just be controlling to your own brother, he does what he wants!" Jamaica shouted

"Im not being controlling, im just doing what's right for him"

"Yes but-"

"Hmph, why am i even explaining this to you, not like your parents taught you not to do drugs, oh wait i forgot, you don't have parents" Domi said

The whole room was silent

That really hit a nerve in Jamaica, he was about to do something that wasn't pleasent, and we were all aware....

Jamaica walked up to Domi and......


I lost motivation for this book lol, but idc im completing the goal i set for myself, release 20 chapters at minimum, fuck me

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