Moving On

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They had to move on.....

They had apologised to each other....
Dominican Republic still remembered,all those decades of collected hate was released on that day

He didn't think clearly back then,he was blinded by hate and anger, and the thought of wanting revenge...

He knew saying "sorry" wouldn't bring back 20,000 people,he didn't know what to do

A cruel and senseless massacre that stained the border between them.

Innocent Haitian lives were extinguished due to their inability to pronounce a Spanish word correctly.

But if his brother could forgive him, he should be able to forgive himself
He was brought back to reality by a voice,Haiti's voice

"Domi, don't blame yourself anymore,you changed" said the Haitian

Indeed he changed, he became a better brother now,and an overall better person, he cared for Haiti, he worried for him, and most importantly, he loved his brother

"Thank you Haiti, are you hungry? I can get you something to eat" Offered the Dominican

"I can pay for my own food don't worry"


They both bursted into laughter💀

Ok no I'm joking(pls don't be offended 🥺),back to the story

"Don't worry Domi save your money,we can eat at home"

"Dudeee, the food in that restaurant around that corner is so good,let's go there, just this once please?" Asked the Dominican

"Fiiine, why do you want to waste soo much money anyways"

"It's worth it"...

The next day

Haiti woke up early this time, he was in a good mood, he finally had a stable relationship with his brother,they finally forgave each other

He started making breakfast, it was what he always had to do after all, he really had to teach his brother how to make breakfast

2 hours later he and his brother were heading to school, this day felt different, he finally didn't dread going to school, his life was finally intact......

But would it be for long?


I'm going to get back on this book again, been almost a year since I last updated

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