Invasion & Disappearance

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3rd person pov

February 9, 1822

"SIR WE'RE SURROUNDED" Shouted a Dominican soldier


And right then and there, the DR was shot in the chest

The Dominican grunted and held his chest in pain while the soldiers were panicking

Then, the Dominican soldiers fell, one by one until all were dead

The DR tried standing up but stopped when he heard a gun clock

"I guess you'll have to surrender now  brother" his brother said

"Haiti.... Why?" The Dominican's voice slightly cracked

"I just simply wanted to unite us together" Said the Haitian

"Y-you killed innocent people that's not unifying!" Yelled the Dominican

"Oh i get it, you simply wanted to expand your power and treat us like slaves that's why isn't it?" Haiti kept quiet


"DON'T TALK BACK TO ME" Haiti shouted as he pointed the gun at his brother

The DR's eyes widened as he put his hands in the air

"O-o-ok im sorry im sorry" The Dominican apologised

"You didn't mean it did you"

"N-n-no i-i meant it"

"Fine then, now tell me where is the president" Asked Haiti

"Im not telling you anything" The Dominican said

Haiti was obviously angry and aimed his rifle at his older brother



The DR woke up gasping and sweating

"Haiti?" The DR said as he waited for his brother to respond

Silence followed, the DR called out his brother's name one more time and still didn't hear a response

It was saturday noon, Haiti always stayed in his room every saturday

The Dominican was confused so he opened the door and looked around his brother's room, he couldn't find his brother anywhere

'Probably went out with his friends' Thought the DR

But there was one thought that would not leave his mind

What if his brother had enough of him and ran away?

No it can't be, he wouldn't leave me thought the Dominican

To confirm he was out with his friends, DR tried calling him


Haiti declined his call

And right there DR realised something was wrong

Haiti would've picked up no matter what when it came to his brother

The Dominican rushed out of the room and headed straight for the door

Jamaica... It must be Jamaica
Thought the DR

DR slammed the door not bothering to lock it and went straight for Jamaica's house

Sorry for not updating for a while, i didn't know what to write, i promise i will try to upload more consistently

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