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Third person POV~

October 2,1937

The Haitian looked at the field of bodies that laid on the ground, tens of thousands of his people laying dead all because of his brother


Haiti didn't even know if he could even call the DR that anymore....

He was cut off from his thoughts by a voice

"Heh, look where we are now brother" The DR said

The DR forced Haiti to look at him in the eyes, taunting him

The DR wanted revenge, and he had gotten it

"Look who's about to beg for mercy now Haiti,everything you've done to my people,i can do to yours" The DR said, his eyes described his emotions

He wanted revenge and he had gotten it

"What happened to you Domi! When were you a monster!,I never killed your people Domi! Why-" He was cut off by the Dominican slamming his head on the ground

"Oh really?! You publicly executed my soldiers, you threatened my government, you traumatized children, and you have the audacity to call me a monster?!" The Dominican yelled with rage 

Before Haiti could respond, he pinned the Haitian to the ground and took out a knife

The knife was coming straight to his head and-

"HAITI!!" The DR yelled

"Wha-what happened?"

"You were screaming, did you have a nightmare?" His brother asked

"Yes" Haiti responded, he shuddered as all the memories returned

"I-Im gonna visit the memorial" Haiti said as his voice cracked a little

"Haiti im so sorry for-"

"You don't need to apologise Domi" Haiti said as he hugged his brother

"Now im gonna go-"

"Im coming as well" The Dominican said which took his brother by surprise

"Well,then what are you waiting for let's go" Haiti said, glad that his brother finally cares about what happened


Sorry for the recent short chapters, I've been running out of ideas and im literally about to have an exam next week

Im just gonna leak one thing which is that i currently have a huge plot in my mind right now and i will begin writing about what's on my mind after 2 weeks
Stay safe everyone bye

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