8. Zebra!!

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The level of my amazement
extended & reached the sky,
When the pretty zebra brayed,
It's a happy sound not a cry.

Wondering who drew the lines
Some standing some slanting,
Some are parallel some are
Without any fuss just lying.

Artist must be very talented
Engraved everything so well,
Maybe earn less lacking colours
Should I lend some of my pastel?

So prominent stygian streaked
Little disorganized but in sequel.
Black's are more & prettier or
White's it's really hard to tell.

Two cute little ears pricking
Out beautifully straight,
In between them stands the
Mane same hue looked great.

Two quartz eyes sparkling looked
Similar to yummy blackberrie,
Basking in the sun so carefree
Playing zestfully in merry.

Four legs wobbling joyfully
with a faint hoof tap,
One high-spirited tail behind
Which occasionally flap.

People says they came from
The black and white Era,
But their presence here makes
Them part of fauna & flora.

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