An alligator ate an ambrosial apricot,
Bubble-tea boorish bunny bought.
Cuckoo caught the cute comely crown,
Doofus donkey ducks dandelion down.Elephant excelle evaluation with ease,
Forgotten foolish frog even it please.
Greedy gaiety goose goes to goldsmith,
Hyper horse was in happy heroic myth.Imbecile iguana sat impishly in diaz,
Jolly jellyfish jump joyfully on jazz.
Koala kept kabocha in kayak for a kiss,
Lonely leopard leaped long with bliss.Mockingbird merrily moping musical mut,
Nightingale nuzzle nod nibble nut.
Ostrich oblige obey own-self for sure,
Pandas perseverance ponder allure.Quil quit quietly after qualifying quest,
Russet raccoon reach rosy ridges to rest.
Swain skylark says sparkle sunflower,
Turkey tweets in tall twisty tulip tower.Underneath ugly, unhappy urchin knew,
Violet hummingbird value vibrant vivid view.
Witty wasp waddle to witness wondrous wabi,
Xlnt xebec Xavier rode with xanthic nabi.
Yampy yak yonder in yard youngberry aura,
Zenith zoo zone not far for zesty zebra.