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Lucy walked around the Bottega Veneta trying not to focus on the army of body guards surrounding her that kwan's mother hired. She could barely move without bumping into one of the heavily armed security guards. She rolled her eyes in annoyance, continuing to look at the merchandise the store had to offer she noticed a purse that caught her eye, she took it from the stand and walked to the nearest mirror. As she modeled the purse she got this eerie feeling, she looked around but seen nothing out the ordinary. She grabbed the purse and walked over to the cashier, shaking the anxious feeling off. Lucy smiled at the cashier as she rung up her items, but didn't say much due to her lack of knowledge of the language. As she was waiting to pay, the feeling like someone was watching her came back, she looked around again not seeing anyone. Lucy couldn't take it anymore, she quickly grabbed her phone from her tote bag.
70 missed calls
Lucy already knew who is was, she tapped the first missed call and I didn't even ring good before Kwan picked it up, "Are you insane?! Why did you leave without telling your bodyguard? Are you okay? Where are you?" Kwan didn't let Lucy speak, and as he was scolding her it didn't matter because his voice warmed her body. She felt a sense of safety as Kwan spoke and she couldn't help but to smile. "Helllooo?" Kwan spoke, breaking Lucy from her thoughts.
"I'm sorry... I'm at the galleria. Do you mind coming to get me?" She asked, handing the cashier her card. She heard Kwan sigh, "I'm on my way." And just like that he hung up. Lucy grabbed her bags and started to walk to the food court.
It had been about 20 minutes since she last spoke to Kwan, she felt so embarrassed as everyone watched her, whispering, wondering who she was and why she required so much protection.
Once again that sense of dread came over her but this time, 10 times worse. She quickly sat down, trying to calm herself down. Tears oddly began to stream down her face, she tried to hide her tears behind her large Gucci frames. The feeling of someone touching her shoulder nearly made her jump out her seat. She looked back and seen Kwan with an angry expression but that didn't matter. She jumped into his arms as the tears fell freely. That instantly made Kwan soften up. He held her tight in his arms, "What's wrong, Beautiful? Did anyone hurt you?" Kwan felt her shake her head.
"I just wanna go back home." Lucy muffled into Kwan's shoulder. And that's exactly what he did, he didn't let go of Lucy until they made it back to the car. Lucy let out a sigh of relief finally being near Kwan again.

2 hours earlier

Steven sat as his mother lectured him once again for what happened between him and Kwan. "Mother, please leave the past in the past. What do you want me to do? Apologize to them? We both know how that's going to end" Steven put the glass of bourbon to his lips to take a sip. His mother opened her mouth to speak when her phone began to ring.

Lucy is calling...

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Stevens mother stepped away to talk private. But the volume of the phone was loud enough to hear the person on the other end. He knew exactly who was on the other end and his heart began to race. Quietly, he stood and pressed his ear to the door of the next room to ease drop. "Of course, I know how overprotective my son can be. I'll send some of my guards out your way. You should try Bottega Venega... okay baby, talk to you soon." When Ming walked back into the previous room with Steven, she sat confused as he'd disappointed just like that.

Steven walked into the galleria with his had down not wanting to be spotted by anyone just in case kwan had already sent this men there to get Lucy. I walked sneakily as he got up to the boutique , through all the security he spotted Lucy like a flower surrounded by weeds. He quickly put his head down as Lucy looked his way. He sat behind a phone charger kiosk , his view was perfect. Although he could see Lucy, she couldn't say the same about him. Steven watched as Lucy smiled on the phone, he impatiently shook his foot, annoyed knowing it was kwan on the other end. He kept his composure as the security walked Lucy out the store , he didn't follow immediately not wanting to blow his cover. He waited awhile before getting up to look for her. It wasn't that hard to spot her due to the militant like men surrounding her. He sat a few tables across from her , nearly being able to smell her. At this point , Steven couldn't control himself. He got up from his table, it seemed as with every step he took, the further Lucy got. He was almost there when he saw his brother walking up behind Lucy. He clinched his jaw so hard , he thought his teeth were gonna break. His trigger finger began to itch, but Steven knew if he started something it'd only be bad for him with all the security that surrounded them. Steven considered his lost and went out the opposite exit. Now that he knew Lucy was in town, he began to plot.

Kwan watched as Lucy slept on his lap, she'd cried herself to sleep as the overwhelming feeling of anxiety took over here. "I knew she wasn't ready to leave the house." Kwan sighed as he spoke to Se jun. He nodded, "she's just getting used to new surroundings. She's safe with us."
"Is she though?" Kwan asked, "she was hysterical when we got her from the shops. If she hadn't called us, i don't know..." Kwan bit the inside of his cheek to keep from tearing up. He wanted to protect Lucy and he had no idea how. He thought for a second before picking up his phone. It rung for a moment before the other end picked up. "Meet me at the dropped location in 3 hours." Kwan hung up the phone not waiting for a response. He was going to fix this once and for all.

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