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A couple weeks went by and Kwan went from letting the call go to voicemail to blocking the number in all. Lucy tried once more to call but to no avail. "FUCK!" Lucy screamed as she threw the burner cell to the brick wall, shattering it into pieces. She got off the bed and began to pace back and forth, when she heard arguing coming from upstairs.


Mae-ling hated when her brothers fought and as their sister she only thought it was right to make things right between them. Behind Kwan's back she decided to go talk to Steven to resolve some of the problems. Once Mae got to the door she knocked a few times before Steven came to the door.

"Is Kwan here to apologize?" He asked. The two haven't spoken since last time Kwan pulled a gun out on Steven.

Mae-ling shook her head as she walked in the house, "Steven, you know how Kwan gets about his fiancée and you just didn't make it better about taunting him." She said.

Steven chuckled, "Well maybe if he didn't steal her from me, he wouldn't had this problem." Steven shrugged as he put the glass of wine to his lips to take a sip. He was halfway tipsy and when he was drunk he began to tell deep dark secrets. Mae rolled her eyes as went upstairs to go to the bathroom.

Once she got out Steven waited for her on the bed. She looked at him with a confused look on her face. "What?"

"I loved that woman... and for YOUR brother to sneak behind my back and TAKE her from me."

One Year Ago

Steven watched as Lucy's natural hair bounced as she swayed to the front desk. It was definitely love at first site. He spotted her all the way from the bar.

"Hellooo, earth to Steven. We need to be thinking of a way to get this knew buyer." Kwan snapped in his face, he followed Steven's gaze and saw the two women he was so fascinated with. He couldn't help but to chuckle. "Go talk to them." Kwan said as he took a sip of the Scotch.

Steven shook his head in annoyance as he downed the brown liquor. He was trying his hardest to build up the confidence to talk to Lucy, but every time he tried to get up his knees felt weak. He motioned the bartender to fill up the glass a few more times before Steven actually got up. But by then it was took late, the crowd in the lobby made Steven lose sight of Lucy and Pashian.

He sighed as Kwan walked behind him, squeezing his shoulder. "We have to go back up to the room to freshen up for the meeting." Kwan said as he walked to the hallway.

'Maybe I can get some information on them from the receptionist' Steven thought. "Yeah, okay. Give me 5 minutes.. I'll meet you there." Steven said, Kwan shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards the elevator. Steven waited until Kwan was out of sight before going to the front desk. But little did he know, if he would have been on that elevator he could've been there to speak to Lucy. But instead Kwan took that opportunity.

Once Steven got back to the room, he took a shower and put on his best suit and his givenchy shoes. "You ready" Kwan asked as he put on his cuff links. Steven nodded as he and Kwan headed to the elevator. Put before they made it to the lobby Steven made a stop to the girls hotel room. He didn't want to meet them yet, so he left the invitation by the door and knocked a few times before leaving.

Kwan chuckled, "You're such a romance." Steven nudged Kwan before pressing the lobby button on the elevator.

Once the meeting was over, Kwan started to have some fun and get a few dances from the locals as for Steven, he waited until he saw Lucy. It felt like hours went by before he finally laid eyes on her. It was as if his heart was beating out his chest. He took a deep breath before motioning one of his boys over to him. "I need you to distract the girl in the short white dress." He ordered. The young boy nodded as he went up to Pashian, once they were on the dance floor Steven took that as a chance to make his move. He was so close, yet so far from her. As he was about to speak, her phone begun to ring. He stepped back to give her some privacy, although he couldn't hear her over the loud music her facial expression indicated that she was furious. "FUCK" he thought as he watched her run to the bathroom. He managed to hype himself up to follow her, as he made his way up out the club Steven grabbed his arm, "Kwan, I'm kind of busy.." he said.

"No but listen, I seen your girl in there dancing on sin woo." Kwan said as he pointed to Pashian grinding.

"What.. wait no. That's no-" kwan cut off Steven as he saw Lucy walk out the bathroom.

Kwan was mesmerized, he looked back at Steven before smiling, "I'll show you how to do it." He said as he intentionally bumped into Lucy wasting the sauce all over her dress. Steven watched as Kwan flirted with his girl. His face turned a bright red, furious, he walked outside and made his way to the car.


Mae watched the hurt on Steven's face as he told the story of the first time he laid eyes on Lucy. Although she felt for Steven, she knew Kwan would never be with someone his brother was in love with on purpose. She kept quiet until she came up with the perfect idea. She quickly grabbed her things and got off the bed. "Steven, i'll be back tonight okay?" Mae didn't wait for a response before leaving. Steven shook his head as he laid back on his bed and began to think. The thought of Lucy and Kwan together broke steven's heart all over again. He got up and went to the mini bar in his room to grab the strongest stuff he had. As always, he needed to work himself up before doing anything. Steven's hands began to sweat and his heart was beating faster than usual, 'Just do it.' He told himself. He took another gulp of the Sunset Rum before heading to his closet. As he continued to unlock the doors to lucy, He kept giving himself pep talks. At last he was finally at the last lock. He took his key and unlocked the door to see Lucy pacing back and forth but came to an abrupt stop when she saw the half empty bottle of rum.

"I want you to know, i love you so much, Lucy." Steven slurred.He walked closer towards her, causing her to back up into the bedpost.

Lucy looked at him like he had shit on his face, "Steven locking me in a fucking dungeon isn't love. It's psychotic." She said as she kept her eyes on him.

Steven let out a chuckle before putting all his strength into punching Lucy. She flew back on the bed as blood gushed from her nose. Her head was spinning as she tried to get back on her feet but couldn't as steven pinned her down. Lucy tried her hardest to get steven from on top of her but she was too weak. Before she knew it, steven was pouring the Rum down her throat nearly drowning her. Lucy coughed loudly as she tried to stop herself from choking. Steven sat the empty bottle on the nightstand as he began to leave alcohol scented kisses down her neck.

"Steven get the fuck off me!" Lucy screamed as she frantically tried to get from under him. She jumped as steven put the pocket knife towards her mouth.

"You scream again, I'll cut your tongue out. You understand me?" Steven spat as he pressed the blade on lucy's bottom lip. She quickly nodded as she watched steven put the blade back in his back pocket. Lucy wimped as steven roughly opened her legs with knee. He continued to kiss on her chest, Lucy couldn't bare to look at what was about to happen she closed her eyes and prayed silently that it would stop. Tears fell unto her cheeks as she heard Steven unzip his zipper. She closed her fist tight as steven penetrated her without protection. She sobbed as she heard steven grunted, pictures of Kwan flashed in her head. 'I'm so sorry' She thought.

Lucy felt wetness fall down her butt, she opened her eyes and saw a small stain of blood at the bottom of the bed."Steven, please. You're hurting me." She managed to get out between grunt. That didn't make Steven stop though, he went harder as Lucy's cries got louder. Aggravated, he grabbed the knife from his pocket, swiftly slicing it across Lucy's left cheek leaving a slight gash. She held her cheek to stop the bleeding. Lucy had to get out this situation before Steven got ready to bust. She looked everywhere for a weapon, the knife would be a little too obvious. Although, the bottle was a stretched she reached for it anyways.

Once the bottle was in her hand she used all her power as she smashed him on the head, instantly knocking him out. She quickly pushed him off of her, onto the floor next to the bed. She took a deep breath before slowing getting up to put on her shorts. Steven was so out of it he forgot to lock the door behind him. The weak Lucy made her way up the stairs into Steven's room, she quickly opened the door before making sure the coast was clear. She went downstairs and opened the front door, the fresh air smelled foreign to her. She ran for it, she ran until she couldn't see Steven's house anymore. She was running for a while when she realized she didn't know where she was. The sun felt as if it only beamed down on her. Lucy felt herself get light-headed and her knees get weak. She swallowed hard as she fell to her knees, The last thing she remembered before passing out is a car stopping and she just knew it was Steven coming to take her back to his house to kill her.

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