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The sounds of hospital machines going off was the first thing Lucy woke up to. She began to breath heavily, as she quickly ripped the ivs out her arm, blood spritzing everywhere before she grabbed a near by paper towel.

The hospital would be the first place Steven would've looked. She didn't have any I.D or clothes so she wrapped the hospital gown up so you couldn't see her butt. Her heart nearly stopped as she heard the door opening. She quickly grabbed the nearest thing which was a fork and hid in the bathroom. She took a deep breath without taking her eyes off the door.
"Ahem" Lucy quickly reacted jabbing towards who over was in the bathroom.

The young boy put down his joint and tried to contain Lucy. "Ayo, What the hell wrong with you?" He asked as he got her to put down the fork.

"Who the fuck are you?" Lucy asked as she back up towards the door.
"Jamal.. I work for your husband... I saw you laying down in the middle of the road."

"You know Kwan?" Lucy's voice began to crack as a kool aid smile spreaded across her face.

Jamal looked at her confused as he shook his head, "Wait what?? No.. No, Steven..You looked like shit so I figured yall got into it. So I brought you here."

For all Lucy know, Kwan still thinks she's missing. "That crazy piece of shit is NOT my husband. My husband name is Kwan. Steven can't know I'm here.. I can't be here.." Lucy quickly ran out the bathroom, the nurses called after her. Her body still weak from the pain she'd endured but she didn't let that stop her. Right behind Lucy was Jamal,

"Ma, slow down. You can't just leave, you're hurt." He said as he finally got up to her.

"You have to get me out of here... I swear to God, you keep me away from that psychopath and I'll give you three times what he's paying you." Lucy cried as her legs gave up from under here. Jamal shook his head as he picked her up bridal style. He looked between taking her back into the hospital to get the proper treatment or to go car to back to his house so she could be safe. Jamal looked down at the bruised up woman and he couldn't help but feel bad for her.

  FUCK! He thought as he quickly walked to his 2018 All Black maxima. He gently laid her down in the back seat before shutting the door and making sure the close was clear as he hoped in the front seat and just like that they sped off.

 He gently laid her down in the back seat before shutting the door and making sure the close was clear as he hoped in the front seat and just like that they sped off

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    Lucy woke up in a strange room. Music blasting from the other side of the door and the smell of weed seeping from under it. She looked down to see she was covered in different clothes. A gman t-shirt and some pajama shorts was all she had on. She was curious on who actually changed her clothes, but she decided to save that question for another time. She was wrapped in fresh bandages, she slowly got up from the bed and walked around the room. She wasn't sure if she should leave, so she waited for someone to come check on her.
A few minutes passed by when Jamal and who looked like his older sister came in.
"How you feeling sweetie?" She asked
Lucy thought about the question, since she felt kind of numb to a lot of everything that had happened between her and Steven. "I'm fine.." she said as she put a fake smile on.

The woman nodded, "Okay, well honey my name is Dr. Lawson, what's your name?" She asked.

"Lucy Santiago" lucy responded, legally her last name was still Santiago; Since her and Kwan didn't sign any papers yet.

"Lucy.. there were stitching in your vaginal area and it got infected.. Do you know who did them and why you would need them."

Lucy couldn't remember the exact details of her birth since she passed in and out of consciousness during the entire thing, "Well I gave birth not too long ago... but I don't remember much about because I was given drugs." The thoughts of her babies not making it broke Lucy's heart, but she shook the urge to cry.
Dr. Lawson could see the hurt on Lucy's face so she didn't even bother asking any future questions about it, "Well I'm going to give you some antibiotics for it. It should be cleared up in a week or so. Stay here as long as you want, is there anyone we can call for you?"

Lucy thought hard, but she couldn't think of anyone's number. She wasn't the type to remember numbers by heart and since she didn't have her cell phone she didn't have anyone to call. Lucy shook her head no, Dr. Lawson nodded. "Well, I sent my other son to go get you some clothes and something to eat. But until then you should get some rest." She said before leaving the room.
Lucy turned her attention towards the television, the local news was on. Nothing about her being missing had appeared which was obvious. The life she and her family lived, she knew for a fact no one was going to get the law involved. Atleast they got the puppies out the tree. She thought causing her to laugh. Jamal looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "What's so funny?" He asked with a smile.

No one ever seemed to get Lucy's humor so she just shook her head, "Nothing. So your sister's a doctor, huh?" She asked, turning the tv on mute. Jamal gave her a confused look before laughing,

"Nah, I don't have a sister. That was moms." He said.

Before Lucy could reply the door opened again, the weed smell getting stronger. Lucy continued to look to see who it was, she was shocked and a little embarrassed when she saw one of her guys walk in. Lucy could feel her face getting hot as Weston proceeded downstairs. He stopped dead in his tracks as if he just seen a ghost. "Ayo, Jay, momma wants you." Weston lied to get a little alone time with his former boss. Once they were the only two in the room Weston gentle sat on the bed and observed the bruises all Lucy's body.

He shook his head annoyed as he noticed lucy's flat stomach, "Where's the kid?" He asked. Instantly, her heart dropped to her feet. She couldn't speak so instead she just shook her head 'no' to let him know she didn't want to speak on it. A look of disappointment washed his face, He changed the subject as soon as possible. Weston handed lucy the brown bag which had a few changes of clothes and some hygiene products.

"Thank you, Weston." Lucy gave him a partial smile before getting up slowly to go to the nearby bathroom. Weston gently helped the sore Lucy up and in to the bathroom, patiently waiting for her to get dressed.

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