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Kwan and Corey sat in the front room in silence for a moment before Kwan finally spoke up. "First and foremost, I would like to thank you for keeping Lucy safe until I touched down here. But now we got business to settle." He said with a straight face. A million thoughts went through kwan's head, he didn't know how to handle his brother but he knew he had to handle him.

"Don't mention it. And what kind of business we talking about.... Popping your brother for taking my kids' mother away from them?" Corey said as he adjusted himself on the couch.

As much as Kwan would do anything to protect his family, Lucy and the kids were his family now and he knew Steven was nothing but trouble. He sighed as he nodded, " I don't know where he is at the moment but-"

"But you just leave that up to me and my crew." Corey interuppted Kwan. He and his people were good at finding people who didn't want to be found. "Once we find out his location, I'll call you... since he's your blood I'll let you spill it." He added before getting up from his seat.

Kwan agreed, they ended the conversation with a firm handshake before Lucy walked back downstairs. Corey smiled as he went to Lucy giving her a tight her, "Aye man, keep her safe." He said. And just like that Corey began his search for he and Kwan's common enemy.


Steven paced back and forth in his hide out. He knew Kwan and Corey were already looking for him which is why he was already on his way back home. He was hiding out in a little home in the countryside of atl until his jet was ready. His temple throbbed as the crying began to get louder, "Ming, Shut that kid the hell up!" He spat. His maid running quickly to aid the newborn child. He took a deep breath as he fixed his hair.

The plane is ready

The text that just came through gave Steven a little reassurance. He quickly grabbed his bags before running to his car. Behind him was his maid/new nanny. He looked back at her confused. "Where the fuck do you think you going?" He asked pushing her back.

She looked confused as she began to panic, speaking in her native Korean tongue. Steven sighed, before putting a bullet in her head. He didn't need any loose ends, he shot his sister a text before running outdoors to his car and just like that he was gone.

30 minutes later...

Mae pulled up and parked in the driveway before stepping out the car to go to the secluded home. She knocked on the door for a moment but no one answered. She rolled her eyes before taking her phone out to dial Steven's number. After a moment she began to hear the ringing inside the house followed by babies crying.
Slowly, she opened the door, a faint odor tickled her nose as she walked further in the house. She followed the cries when she nearly tripped in the pool of crimson blood. She covered her mouth to muffle her screams as she stepped over the body. Despite the body she continued to follow the sound of crying. Once she made it to the room she quickly opened the door, two little boys laid on the bed. Mae's mouth dropped as she got a good look at the kids, she frantically grabbed them and headed back outdoors to her car.

She drove as quickly, yet safely as she could. She checked the review mirror to make sure the boys were okay until they can get back to the house, she pulled her phone out and quickly hit speed dial number 2. Mae drove a little slower to try and get the little boy to settle down but to no avail.

"Mae, great news." Kwan answered. She could nearly hear the smile on his face. Suddenly the crying stopped and laughter began. Mae couldn't help put to smile.

"What is it?" She asked, as she continued to drive.

Kwan spoke but Mae was unable to hear what he was saying due to the tunnel messing up her connection. I guess I'll just have to surprise him. She thought as she drove back to Lucy's old home.

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