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Once Lucy was finished, she looked amazing but she didn't feel like it. She didn't like the fact that her stomach was flat yet she didn't have her sons with her. Suddenly, the tears fell unwillingly, she cried silently so she couldn't be heard or so she thought. Weston sat quietly as he waited for Lucy to finish up. He didn't want to interrupt her and her grieving process so he waited as long as he needed.

About 20 minutes passes by before Lucy came out the bathroom with her shoulders high. "You good?" Weston asked. He looked in her eyes and could see all the hurt and tiredness.

Lucy nodded, not given him an actual answer. "I need you to take me home." She said. Weston agreed, as he helped her outside to the car.

The car ride felt as if Lucy was riding for hours. For some reason her stomach turned, and her palms began to sweat. She felt nervous as they pulled up to her old house. Lucy couldn't think of anywhere else to go, but she was glad she went because by the looks of things it was as if someone was still living there. Nervously, Lucy knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. She prayed that someone anyone would answer. After about 10 minutes it was no use, her spirit broke a little until she heard her name.

"Lucy..?" She looked back and although it wasn't who she wanted to see first she was glad to see someone. Corey ran to her with tears in his eyes and hugged her tightly. Lucy slightly chuckled as she hugged Corey back. Once he was done he looked at Lucy, anger washed his face as he looked at the bruises all over her face. He looked down and noticed her stomach flatter.
"Where's the baby?.." Corey was kind of reluctant to ask but he had to know especially if it was his son. Lucy swallowed hard as she tried to tell him everything that happened but as soon as she tried to only gibberish came out as all the pain and hurt she endured came back. "Sh. Shh, don't worry about it. I'm going to handle everything." Corey replied pulling Lucy back in for a tight hug. Just the thought of someone hurting Lucy made his blood boil. Flashbacks of what happened to the last person to mess with his family went though his head. Just the thought of Lucy's ex, Javi, had Corey 38 hot.

"Let's go." Corey said as he gentle grabbed Lucy by her already bruised wrist. He was scared to touch her to hard because she looked so fragile.

Weston was having second thoughts to leave Lucy with someone he didn't know, he quickly grabbed her arm pulling her back towards him. "No offense, my nigga but I don't know you. I can't let you leave with her."

Within seconds, Corey was pointing his heat into Weston' s face with the safety off. Lucy quickly jumped in front of Weston, "Corey stop. He's good people. Calm down." She called him off, lowering his gun.
"Weston, thanks for everything. I'll make sure to repay your family, I'm in good hands." She turned toward Weston giving him a half smile before planting a sweet kiss on his cheek, eventually leaving with Corey.


Kwans POV


Kwan sat quietly, a glass of scotch on the rocks in his hand as he continued to call the phone Lucy no long answered. He called, just to hear her voice.
"Hey, you've reached Lucy. I'm not able to answer the phone right now-" the sound of the front door opening then closing caught kwan off guard. He swiftly reached under the couch pillow grabbing his .45, taking the safety off.

Mae-ling walked in with her hands up, the beam spread across her face told kwan that she had something up her sleeves. He rolled his eyes before putting the safety back on and putting it back in the secret compartment.

"Ma just called me.. She wants meet up." Ling lied.

Kwan shook his head, finishing the brown liquor before setting it back on the table, "I'm good. I have too much work to do." He denied.

Ling rolled her eyes,"Kwan, you know how mama gets when she plans something and someone doesn't show up. Besides, you're not the only person who lost someone. She also lost her first grandchildren. She needs to know you're okay..." inside ling was smiling ear to ear knowing she got him where she wanted him.

Kwan sighed before walking upstairs, "We leave in an hour." He said before disappearing into the next room. Mae-ling smiled before sending a quick text to their mother to let her know that everything was a go.


The entire car ride was nervewreaking, mae-ling tried to convince Kwan to keep his gun home because his head wasn't on straight, he was still thinking with his heart, but Kwan declined the request with no hesitation. Once again, Kwan and Maeling was back at Steven's Home. Kwan' s trigger finger began to itch. His sister touched his forearm to reassure him that everything was gonna be okay. He nodded as his driver opened the door for him and mae-ling.

Their mother stood by the door with a warm smile on her face, she greeted them with open arms. Kwan accepted the gesture, giving her a tight well needed hug. They sat there for a moment before breaking it up. He pinched the bridge of his nose to keep the hot tears from falling. She nodded before patting him on the back as they all proceeded to go in the house.
There standing in the foyer was Steven, the taunting smile he possessed was just for Kwan. "Hello everyone." He smiled.

Kwan bit the inside of his lip to keep from saying something that would ruin everyone's day. So instead he didn't speak at all, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Silence filled the air. No one couldn't think of the right words to say, except the maid; "Dinner is ready."


Once everyone was done eating, mae-ling took this moment to finally discuss the elephant in the room. She cleared her throat before speaking, "So.. Kwan, there's some things that you took out of portion.. ALSO, Steven there's some things that YOU took out of portion." Mae said as she stared at them waiting for an answer.

Jamal was in awe as he sat at the dinner table, Steven insisted all his shooters come back to have dinner with him just in case. This nigga kidnapped his brother's wife. Jamal thought as he discreetly stared at Kwan. He was trying to think of the best way to talk to him alone and that opportunity came up.

Kwan chuckled before getting up, "I'm done with this conversation. Mama, Mae I will talk to you two later." He said as he started to walk to the door, eventually going to his car. Jamal waited a good minute before being excused to go to the car.

Jamal quickly walked to kwan's car with his hands up letting his shooters know he meant no harm. "Can I help you?" Kwan asked with a nonchalant look on his face.
Jamal made sure he was quiet enough to only be heard by Kwan.

"It's about Lucy."

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