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Lucy's screams rung throughout the room, Steven kept her in. Unknown Korean nurses and doctors came in and out as they turned the bedroom into a operating room. Lucy laid on the bed as the doctor checked to see how dilated she was. "These babies are ready to come out... I shall get ready for this operation and I'll be right back." Steven watched as everyone left the room as they got ready to deliver Lucy's children.

He walked over towards Lucy as she begun to cry, "Please Call Kwan... he needs to be here." she cried aloud.

Stven didnt reply, he grabbed the small bottle out of his pocket and screwed off the top and put it to lucy's lips. she turned her head to the side to decline the medicine, "It's ease some of the pain." Lucy was reluctant to trust steven but she was also desperate from the pain the twins were causing. she took  a deep breath before swallowing a small amout of the thick liquid.

Instantly, Lucy became drousy. she began to come in and out of consciousness, "What the hell is happening, Ste.." And just like that lucy was knocked out, once everyone came back in steven sat in the corner as the doctors took care of lucy.

" And just like that lucy was knocked out, once everyone came back in steven sat in the corner as the doctors took care of lucy

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When Lucy woke up from the medicine, everything was quiet. There was no more commotion, Lucy looked down to see her belly flatter.
She looked over to Steven, "Where are my babies?" Lucy asked softly. The pain on Steven's face made Lucy's stomach turn and flip.

"Steven I want to see my sons." Lucy cried. She was starting to freak out.

"I'm sorry, Lucy.. truly I am... but they didn't make it." Steven swallowed hard.

Lucy wailed as she clenched her stomach and laid in a fetal position. The thought of her not being able to see her babies sweet faces made Lucy sick to her stomach. Her cries got louder when she thought of Kwan not being able to see his children. Steven exhaled before getting up from his sit. He went over towards Lucy to console her. She slapped Steven,

"Don't you fucking touch me, Steven!!" Lucy screamed as the warm tears clouded her eyes.

Steven understood the hurt Lucy was going through so he just got up and let. But he still made sure he locked the door.
Lucy knew she was going to go crazy now, she felt empty now. Lucy was all alone without her now deceased newborns. All she could think about is the family that is probably worried sick about her, she was now determined to leave that hell hole even if it killed her.

Corey watched as Capri and Haven played dress up in the living room, while he talked to his parents in the kitchen

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Corey watched as Capri and Haven played dress up in the living room, while he talked to his parents in the kitchen.

"Have you heard from their mother?" Idris, Corey's mother asked as she sipped on her freshly brewed Colombian coffee.

Corey shook his head no, he had no idea Lucy was missing; but something in his heart told him something was wrong. He had noticed Kwan and his boys following him, so he was going to be the first person he reached out to. "I've tried reaching out to her as much as I could but no answer.. I haven't spoke to her in two months.." Corey said as he swished the moscoto around in the glass.

Corey's parents saw the worry in his eyes, "Have you tried calling her fiancé'? The girls tells me he's a very nice young man."

Corey sucked his teeth,  He wasn't at all jealous of Kwan but he couldn't help but think that none of this would have happened if it wasn't for Kwan wanting to move Lucy back to Korea with him. Corey stood up from the kitchen island and grabbed his keys and phone, "I need to handle some business.. I'll be back in a few hours." Corey said kissing the kids a farewell kiss before leaving. He had no idea where to look for Kwan at, but he made sure he looked everywhere before giving up. He drove to the private jet, where they made it to Atlanta.

When Corey pulled up to Lucy's old resident, he was a bit confused. The house lit up as if someone was still living in it. He knew for a fact no one brought it yet because he and Lucy still shared the same realtor. He grabbed the .44 that rested in his glove compartment, putting it in his holster. Corey got out the car and walked casually up to the front door, he rung the doorbell twice and waited for an answer. After a few minutes passed he rung it again, this time a Korean woman answered, "Can I help you?" She asked.

"Is there a Kwan here?" Corey asked as Kwan's sister looked him up and down.

Mae Ling nodded before stepping aside to let Corey in. He scoped out the place and seen that there was still no furniture in the house, he raised his eyebrows as he watched Mae disappeared upstairs. A few minutes later, Mae Ling came back downstairs with Kwan right behind her. Corey's trigger finger was inching and little did Corey know, Kwan's was too. Corey kept a poker face the entire time. but as for Kwan , stress was written all over his face.

"You ready to tell me where my wife is?" Kwan asked.

Corey chuckled, It wasn't on purpose, he just was confused on why Kwan would think he knew about Lucy's whereabouts. "Nah man, I don't know where Lucy is.. She's actually why I'm here.. The girls are asking about her, they miss her." Corey said.

Kwan bit the inside of his cheek when he had heard Corey didn't know where Lucy was. He rubbed his freshly shaved goatee before speaking. "Someone took her.. a few months ago from the condo.. I've been looking for my queen every since." Kwan's face turned red as the thought of someone hurting lucy came to mind.

Corey was equally upset, "So where she at?" he asked as he stared Kwan in his eyes. Kwan could tell that Corey thought he had something to do lucy going missing. If Corey was anyone else, he would have been left Corey's body twitching but for the sake of his stepkids he decided to leave him untouched.

"I'm not going to argue with you.. If I knew where she was I wouldn't be looking for her." Kwan said. He rubbed the bridge of his nose as he exhaled, "If you don't mind, I have to look for my wife." He added as he went back upstairs.

Mae-Ling watched as her brother went upstairs, shutting the room door behind him. She looked back at Corey and gave an awkward chuckle, "I apologize on behave of my brother, he just hasn't been the same since she was taken." Mae said sincerely.

"Yeah, Lucy's presence is something like a drug and without it you start to have withdrawals. I've been there, but once he got his head on straight make him give me a call so we can find Lucy." Corey said as handed his card to Mae. She nodded before showing Corey to the door.

Once Corey got in his car he immediately organized a meeting for tomorrow. Lucy was going to be found once and for all. Deep down Corey hoped that Lucy would see that he still loved her and that they would be perfect for each other.

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