Chapter 23

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Luke's Pov

I'm so happy Katie is okay. And that she is back. Now she is in my arms and that's where she belongs. "Luke share her please." Louis said as Katie laughed in my neck. She released her grip on me and feel to the floor. Literally fell which was hilarious. She got up and blushed hoping no one saw her. I smiled as everyone pulled her into a hug. She hugged everyone than it came down to her and Harry. Katie looked up at him and he looked down at her with tears in his eyes. "So your my little sister" he said as she nodded. "And your my big brother." she said as Harry smiled nodding. Suddenly Katie tippy toe"d and hugged Harry. Harry hugged her back crying. "I'm sorry" I can hear him whisper.

Katie's Pov

"I'm sorry" Harry whispered into my ear. "Why are you sorry" I said as he hugged me tighter. "I missed 17 years of your life and I wasn't even there for you." He said as I hugged him. "Its not your fault Curly. You didn't know. All that matters is that your in my brother and your here for me now. " I said happily as he hugged me tighter. Both of us letting some tears fall. After a couple of minutes Harry released me and kissed my forehead. "Behave yourself sis" he smiled as I laughed. "We both know that is impossible" I smiled. I turned to Louis and than gave him a hug. He was shocked at first but than hug back. When he released he smiled. "What was the hug for" he asked. "I'm just so thankful for you taking me in Louis. You dont even know me but you treat me like family." I said happily. I guess seeing my real birth mom made me see things differently. Louis is the closest thing I will ever have to a dad but I really don't mind. "Katie we are all here for you. I love you okay." He said as I smiled. I think it's time to call him dad. "I love you too dad" I smiled as he looked at me with disbelief.

   I walked away from Louis and walked upstairs since I saw Luke headed that way. I opened our room door and there was Luke on his phone. "Hey" I said quietly. "Hey Katie, come here take a seat next to me." He said as I listened. "Before we start our tour we are going to Australia for a few days. Maybe you wanna come?" Luke asked. "I would love to but I would have to meet you guys there. That way I can spend time with Harry and Gemma. You know." I said frowning slightly. "That's great you want to spend some time with your siblings. You guys have a lot to catch up on." He said as I nodded. "I just hope it's not awkward" I frowned. "It won't be I promise. Now turn that frown upside down so I can take a pic of us." Luke said as I laughed. "Okay Lucas." I said smiling. I looked at the camera. We took the picture and several more random ones. It made me smile a lot. "Katie do you have an instagram" Luke asked. "Of course. It's @katie_is_weird." I smile as he nodded.

     A minute later I got a notification. @luke_is_a_penguin followed you, @luke_is_a_penguin took a photo of you and @luke_is_a_penguin liked all 5 of your photos. I looked at the picture and I feel in love with it. It was Luke and I. He was looking at me smiling and I was smiling and my eyes were facing to him and my hair was perfect and everything. I liked the picture and smiled. "Luke send me that picture please."I said as he nodded sending it to me. "I really like this picture of us." Luke said as I nodded in agreement. "Yeah this is the perfect picture. You look really great Luke" I said. "Yes this picture is perfect, just like you Katie." He said as I hugged him. "Thank you Luke but that's not true. I'm far from perfect." I blushed. "Don't say that cause in my eyes you are." He said as I blushed even more. "Luke can we go back home already. " I asked as he nodded. "Finish packing and ill take you." He said as I smiled head-on into the closet and packed my things. After 45 of pack I finally finished.

    "Luke!" I called out but no response. I walked downstairs to see look making out with some girl. I couldn't believe it, I thought Luke liked me maybe. I knew this would happen so why am I upset. I looked for a little longer really sad and than Luke released breathless than looked my way. His face fell and he got up. "Katie, it's not.." he started but I didn't listen. I just walked upstairs to Mikey's room and opened it with out even knocking. I walked in and he was just in a towel. "Sorry Mikey. Didn't know you were getting ready" I said sadly, closing my eyes. "It's fine. Ill change in the bathroom and once I get out you're telling me what's wrong." He said as I smiled. I heard the door close and I sat on his bed and locked the door. After 5 minutes Mikey came out of the bathroom dressed and with wet hair. "Come here to your best friend."he said opening his arms for a hug. I ran into his arms and hugged him. He rubbed my back and kissed my fore head. "Now tell me what's wrong Katie" he said was we sat down. "I saw Luke making out with another girl." I said silently. "What I'm going to kill that bastard." He said standing up. "No don't. It's not like we're dating or anything." I said as his face grew angry. "Doesnt matter you liked him and he liked you. Why the fuck would he mess that up. I fucking love you guys together but he had to be a dumbass and do something as stupid as did. He fucking played with your feelings. I'm going to kick his ass" he said as someone knocked on the door.

      Mickey opened it and it was Luke. I grabbed Michael quickly moving him from Luke before he does something he regrets. "Whats wrong Michael" Luke said. Ugh I can't even look at him without being really upset. "You're what's wrong. How can you fucking do that?" He yelled. "I can explain" Luke said as he looked at me. I gave him a sad frown and let go of Mickey. I than pushed passes Luke and walked away. "Go ahead Luke explain" I heard Mickey say as I closed the door. I grabbed my stuff and called a taxi. Ill see them at the house.

        Michael's Pov

      I was really pissed off at Luke right now. He promised that he wouldn't hurt her. And they aren't even dating and he did. "Mikey listen it's not what it seems like." He started. "That's a fucking lie. It seems that you were making out with some bimbo when you obviously have feelings for Katie. You were just fucking with her emotions. How can you just do that. You know Katie fucking liked you back but after this I don't think so." I said as he looked at me shocked. "She likes me." He said not believing it. "She did I don't know anymore you fucked up" I said as he frown. "It wasn't even like that. I was planning on asking Katie out so I got a friend to help me practice my lines. Than we got really into it and she kissed me. I don't know why I didn't pull away. Maybe because she reminded me of Katie or I was just caught in the moment. But I never ever wanted to hurt her. When I say her at the bottom of the stairs with that frown I hated myself. I don't want to be the reason she is sad. I want to see that smile on her face. I fucked up Mickey, I'm sorry." Luke said. "Your apologizing to the wrong person. If you want her that bad tell her." I said as he smiled. "Thanks Michael" he said giving me a hug. Once he released I punch his arm really hard. "I'm still fucking mad though. You hurt my best friend." I said as he looked at me. "I guess I desevered that. I have to talk to Katie." He said as we both walked downstairs. "You don't even deserve Luke you little bitch." Luke's friend said. Katie's eyes turned black. She pushed her against the wall.


   "Listen hear you little bimbo. I don't care if you and Luke are together. I don't care if I don't fucking deserve him. He definitely deserves someone better than you though. I don't know who you think you are saying I don't deserve Luke when you're the one that doesn't deserve him. But if he is fucking happy than ill let him be. No point in fighting for someone who isn't even mine." Katie said as she pulled her up. "Now understand this. You are going to stay the fuck away from me and my family. I don't care if you're with Luke but if you fuck with me, him or anyone else in my family I will put you in the fucking hospital. Understand" Katie finished as the other girl whimpered. Katie dropped her and her eyes return back to normal. She graded her suitcase and back pack and started to walk away fisting and unfisting her hand. "Katie" Luke said as one of her eyes turned black. Katie looked down sadly. "I hope you're happy Lucas." Katie said walking out the door. But before she left I could see the single tear falling from her eye. "Luke what the fuck are you doing go after her." I said as he ran out the door.

       Luke's Pov

"Katie" I yelled once I got outside. She looked at me for a second than reached for her neck. I remember the necklace I gave her. She still wears it. She unclipped it and than held my hand. "I think this belongs to you. You should give it to your girlfriend." She said dropping it in my hand. "Katie she isn't the girl I want" I said as she gave me a sad smile. "Luke you can't fall for me. " She said as I walked up to her. "But katie, the thing is I already did" I said as she looked at me shocked. I pulled her into a kiss with tears spilling. She happily kissed me back wrapping her arms around my neck. We kissed for a while til the taxi car beeped at us. "So are you going to leave." I said putting my hands on her waist. "I'm just heading back to the house. You'll see me soon and we will talk." She said giving me a peck on the lips. But I was craving her lips. I grabbed her face and kissed her. She kissed back and I smiled again. "I have to go Luke" she said as she pecked my lips. "Bye Luke." She said walking off. I smiled and she smiled back. Back I still had the necklace. I put it in my pocket and paid the taxi in advance. Than she drove off in the taxi. I sighed and walked back in the house. "Mikey I have a plan" I said smiling.


    Hey guys I'm finally updating gay. Sorry if it's short I had the worst writer's block ever. And I'm thinking about writing a new story called Dangerous. I thought about the idea today. And I'm writing a book with my friend patte_4221. It's called the Story of Daisy Dylan so check that her out and follow her. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and comment if you want me to write Dangerous. Comment and Vote love you guys.

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