Chapter 19

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    Katie's Pov

   "Hello" I asked. *Loud breathing* "Hello" I said my voice cracking a little. "Katie, where's Michael" Lily said. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. "That's not you business any more" I hissed as Mikey looked at me. 'Who is it' he mouthed. I just shook my head.

    "Please Katie I just need to make sure he is okay" she begged. "Well you just broke his heart so besides that he fine" I said as Mikey teared up figuring out its his ex. "I know I hurt him but I just lost the love and he didn't need that. But if he is fine I gonna go." She says. "Wait Lily" I said regurting it a little. "Yeah" she sniffled.

   "Your not a horrible person. You didn't want to hurt Mikey any more and I understand. But it took you 6 months to admit you were cheating and that's what make me upset. You took a fragile boy who was energetic and always happy, also love able. And turn him into a broken dull boy. And I hate seeing him like this. I might have only know him for a while but you and I both know he is a great guy. And you just lost that. Maybe one day you guys can be friends again but right now he needs his space in order to be happy.

     Cause that's what you want. And that's what he needs. So please give it time and don't call or text, because I swear if he cries again because of you, I'll hurt you. Because this isn't my best friend. Understand" I said as Mikey smiled at me with his red puffy eyes. "Understood. Thank you Katie."She said as I hung up. "How did I ever get a best friend like you" he said hugging me."I should ask you the same thing." I said laughing.

         "So Katie what did you want to talk to me about. Strong enough for you to say that you will wake me up slapping me with my own dick."He said laughing. See now this is my best friend, not that broken boy a saw a while again. "Its not important right now " I said. "Yeah it is now tell me" he pouted. "Well Luke and I kissed again and I felt fireworks for some odd reason. And Kimberley is back." I said biting my lip. "She is such a bitch. And are you serious. I'm so happy for you, everyone is hoping you guys date. And now it might actually happen" he smiled.

    "Mikey, we been over this. He doesn't like me and I'm afraid of commitment because I don't believe in love. And if we do date and he tells me he loves me, I won't be able to say it back and it will lead to a fight. And I want to get to know him more anyways." I said as Mikey nodded. "I'll help you." Mikey said. "What" I asked shocked. "I'll help you learn to love. You have help me and I'll help you." He said as I smiled like a freak. I tackled him to a hug. "I love you so much. Do you know that. I swear your the greatest friend in the world. And if anyone else says your not I'll punch them." I said as he laughed.

     "Good now why is Kimberley back" he asked. "Well I really don't know. The door was randomly knocked on and Luke and  I opened it and it was the she demon. She said that she will stay the week because I broke her nose and she is blackmailing me otherwise." I said. "Gosh I hate, last time she was here I had fucking plates and cups thrown at me." He said laughing. "She is evil. I can't wait for her to leave. Now you dyed your hair red why." I asked. "Well I love the color red and it gives me that punk rock look." He said as I laughed.

     "And you have an eyebrow piercing,tattoo and ear piercing, Also for your punk rock look." I said as he nodded. "Yea gotta keep up my image some how." He said as he laughed. "Sure now I know something that will cheer you up a lot." I said as he nodded. I grabbed his laptop, guess his password correctly and went on YouTube. "How did you know my password." He asked. "Well having the password Mr.Punkrock isn't the best password in the world." I said as I searched up 5 Seconds of Summer livestream. "Are you serious." Mikey laughed.

       "Yeah who better to cheer you up then your self" I said clicking the first one. It was taken March 23 so it had to be good. As we were watching we were laughing the whole time. "O my gosh Luke looks so serious and you are so carefree not giving a shit and cursing" I said laughing. "Well I do have that charm" he said as we finished the video. "Hey Katie do you think we could do a YouTube video together tomorrow" Mikey asked 5 minutes later.  "Yeah that would be awesome. I'll just tell all my fans, but aren't people gonna notice you." I said grabbing my phone. Twitting that I'll do a YouTube video tomorrow but I need a duet for my surprise guest."Well I don't need to be uncover because I want to help you become famous. Even the rest of the band wants to sign you and go on tour with us.

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