Chapter 7

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                Let's see what this movie night brings.

     Right now we were in the middle of Insidious and everyone was scared at of there mind besides me. I was leaning on Luke trying not to laugh at everyone. But every time some thing pops up Luke's grip on my waist becomes tighter. I'm pretty sure there is gonna be bruise there tomorrow.  One more thing popped out and my waist had lots of pain. "Luke" I whispered. "Y-Yea" he stuttered. "Umm your kinda bruising my waist" I said as I moved a little to get more comfortable. "O sorry but how don't you get scared." he said "I don't know this movie is predictable. Not really scary but it makes me tried" I said as I yawned. "Well then go to sleep" he said as he put his chin on my shoulder. "I can't I haven't had a all nighter in forever." "Okay then I'll keep you awake." "Thanks umm can you grab me the blanket behind you." "Yea sure" he said as he put the blanket over us. I cuddled into his chest and watched the movie. It's not like I like  him it's just he is comfortable. And friends do this right. Yea we are friends kinda.

      Soon enough the movie was over. "That wasn't that bad. Not even that scary." Ashton said as I started laughing. "What's so funny" Michael said. "You guys were little whimps. The movie was not scary at all I was trying not to laugh at you guys" I said. "We don't get scared we are me." Niall said. "Okay if your not scared at all turn of all the lights and the first person who turns on any light source pays for next dinner." I said as I yawned again. "Alright it's a deal" Calum said as we turn off all the lights. Well I can't say we Luke and I stayed on the couch and the others did all the work. Soon enough all the lights were off and everyone was back in there spots from what I heard. I decided to let me have some fun. I whispered to Luke what I was doing and got up slowly and walked to the stair. I walked up then and grabbed a pair of boats that were on top. I tied them and walked heavily down the stairs. "Hello who's there" Jordana said as I walked toward the sound of the voice. I let my breathing get harder and grabbed onto someone. The person screamed and turn on their phone. "You lost ha sorry but I couldn't resist." I said as I laughed rolling in the floor. "Katie you scared the leaving crap out of me" Lily said. "Sorry but it was just so funny." I said as I got up and took the shoes off and went back on Luke's lap. I gave him a high five and leaned on him.

    "You were apart of that two Luke how could you." Calum said. "Sorry but we couldn't resist. And it's not my fault you guys live with a pranker. " Luke said as he laughed. "Why thank you my good sir" I said as I bowed and spoke in a British accent. "Katie how do you do that." Emily I think her name is said. "Do what?"I said confused of her question. "Change your accent" She said. O that. "Well it's pretty simple. If I hear an accent I just I don't know copy it. " I said in an Australian accent. "That's so cool. Well Niall is Irish so mind trying to do his accent." Hannah said. "Sure Niall speak" I said. "Umm okay well I Like food and ice cream" he said. Weird but okay. "Umm let's see. You Irish people have amazing accent and I like reading and food." I said in an Irish accent. "Nice job but how." Eleanor said. "Can't tell all I can say it just comes to me. So are we going to watch a movie or what." I say as I threw a pillow at someone. Let's just say I started a pillow war. I really didn't want one it just happen.

   After the whole pillow war we decided to watch the Notebook. Much to mine and Luke's protest. Quarter of the movie my butt buzzed. I grabbed my phone and there was 2 text. One from Jake and one from Luke. I Decided to Open Jake's first.  Hey Beautiful. I smile and replied with a hey. Next I opened Luke's and it read Hey did you read the letter yet. I replied no. I got up from Luke's lap and went up stairs to get the letter. Since he said I had to read it when I was alone. Now is a perfect opportunity. I open the letter and grabbed the piece of paper. I opened it and another piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and noticed it was a little homemade coupon book. I skimmed through it and it was all for me and Luke being my slave for a day or buying me Luke. It was adorable. Next I decided to read the letter.

      Dear Katie,
           Maybe I shouldn't have started with dear. So hello, or Hola. Umm I decided to write this letter to apologise for everything. I wasn't the nicest at first and I'm sorry for that. Your personally life should stay your personally life. And making you upset was worst. When I saw you I that you would be some rude sarcastic bitch. But your just a sarcastic loveable person. I'm not great at talking to girls or making friends that are girls. You might not know this but I'm super shy. I want to start over with you hopefully we will be friend or maybe even best friend. It all matters with you. I just wanted to say I was so sorry and I hope you could forgive me.

    I finished the letter and I thought it was so sweet. Who knew a jerk at first could have a sweet side. I checked my phone to see if Jake replied but he didn't. I went downstairs and went back on Luke's lap. I cuddled up into his chest for warth and whispered Thank you and I forgive you in his ear. Before I fell into a peaceful sleep.

      Luke's Pov (A.N. Finally a new Point of View)

Thank you and I forgive you. Katie whispered in my ear. I'm so happy she forgave me. To be honest I have a little crush on her. It's just something about her that makes me want to be there for her and hold her when she is upset. I looked down and noticed Katie asleep on me. She was beautiful when she slept. I took off her glasses that probably were fake and took time to notice how perfect she looked. Her blue purple hair was everywhere on my chest and her mouth was partly open with little snores coming out. Let's just say she looked like an angel. I put the blanket higher as she cuddled deeper into my chest. "Luke umm what's going on between you and Katie" Louis said. "No nothing just friends I promise" I said since Louis is now Katie's dad. "Better be. You know that your one of my best friends. I just don't want to see either of you hurt. You understand right" He said as he tried to make me feel better. "Yea" I understand don't worry about it. I said as I yawned. They put on Mean Girls an  I was knocked out  before we were half was through.


   Hey guys another update yay. I hope you guys are enjoying this. And I just found out my story has over 500 reads Yay. Thank you guys so much I appreciate it so much. Keep voting and following and leave any comment telling me if it's bad or not. I love you guys so much. Another update soon don't worry.


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