Chapter 5

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"Actually..." Louis started. "What is it. God damn it just tell me." I said as I stared into his eyes. "It's nothing bad just we aren't going home now just you and Luke" Louis said as I was shocked. I shook myself out of my shock state and replied with an okay. I got into the passenger seat and put my seat belt on

and looked out  the window. I really don't know why they will just us go to Louis house. I hardly know him but I hardly know anyone. "Why so quiet Katie." He asked as he looked at me and the road. "One keep your eyes on the road I don't want to get in a car crash. Two, I'm quiet because I have nothing to say to you." I sassed. But really him out of all people. "Your still mad aren't you."

  "No I'm not mad at all. Everything is fucking unicorns and butterflies." I said sarcastically. "So you are mad." he said. "No shit Sherlock." I said as I turned on the radio. I changed the station around til I heard this really good song. I decided to listen to it and it made me less mad. When the song was over I found out it was called Breakeven by a band called The Script. "So Katie what do you like to do for fun." Luke asked. Doesn't he understand I don't want to talk. "Well I like to read or play video games. But I always wanted my own skate board so I could go to the skate park. And I like camping. What about you." I said so I could be nice. "Umm I like playing video games maybe we could play a game a COD when we get to the house. Ugh I love singing and playing the guitar." He said. I didn't know he played the guitar. I've always wanted to learn but one I didn't have the money to buy a guitar or get lessons. "That's cool. Do you think you can teach me to play?" I asked since he is the only person I know that might teach me.

      "Are you still mad at me." he said. "Kinda I'll stop being mad when you teach me or get me food." I said with a little smile. "Alright I'll teach you how to play after we play COD deal." he said "deal" I said as soon as the car stopped. We walked inside and he took me to a room. The room was amazing. There was a 90' Tv that was mounted on the wall. Hundreds of games and all the game councils there was. Also a light blue couch that fits about 6 people. And last a book shelf filled with every book you could desire. My mouth was hanging  to the floor. Suddenly I felt a hot breathe in my ear. "Close you mouth love. Your gonna catch flies" Luke said in my ear. My face suddenly turned red due to the fact that he was so close. "Shut up are we gonna play or what" I said as I grabbed my controller I wanted to use.

   "Let's go" he said as he jumped in the spot I wanted to sit in. "Umm move. your in my seat. I said. "I don't see your name on it. " he said. O no this boy didn't. " Listen either move or I'll sit on you now chose." I said as I crossed my arms show in  him I was serious. "Do it you won't" He said. O no he didn't. I jumped on his lap and made myself comfortable. "What won't I do." I said while I gave him a innocent face. "Umm, ugh let's play." he said as I felt something poke me. I gave him a smile and whispered in his ear. "Some one is excited aren't they." I said as I got off his lap. I sat next to him and he turned on the Tv. I decided to get comfortable by throwing my legs on his lap. Soon enough we started playing.

Thirty minutes in the game the score is 89-25. And guess who is winning not him. I need 11 more kills and will be over. "So Katie what kind of food do you like." Luke suddenly said. "Well it might not seem like it but I'm a very picky eater. I hate Veggies besides potatoes. I hate seafood and I hate tomatoes. I don't like ketchup,Mayo, or mustard. And I don't like watermelon or the stuff that looks like mango." I said while I killed him 4 more times. "What about you. You seem like the guy that like to eat a lot. Not saying your fat or anything."I said as I got 2 more kills and died. "No its alright I love food. I'm not a very picky eater unless it's snails." he said as he got killed by me another 4 times. He really sucks at this game.  "Katie do you have a boyfriend" He asked. As soon as he said that I laughed. "sorry but no I don't. I don't get boy friends because guys don't like me or are to pussy to do anything. " I said as I got the last kill. "ha in your face. Boom what. That's right you just got beat by a girl." I said as I did my happy dance.

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