Chapter 17

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Recap. 'D-Dylan' I stuttered. "Nice to see you too babe." he smirked.

         "I'm not your babe" I growled. "Feisty just like how I like you Babe." he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist. "Get off me you ass and I'm am not your babe. For your information I have a boyfriend." I said taking his arm off my waist. "Does he treat you like I did?" he asked. "Hell No. He treats me like a fucking princess unlike you." I said as he smirked even wider. "Is that true. Then when can I meet this guy." he asked. "Tomorrow at 2 in the food court." I growled. "See you then babe." he said walking away. "What was that about." Lily asked. "Nothing just an ex." I shrugged. "I thought you never had a boyfriend." Jordana said as we took a seat. "Well I lied but in my defense he wasn't that much of a boyfriend more of a phase." I said as they nodded their heads. "Omg no time for lunch we gotta get home Louis parents are going to be here in two hours and it takes 30 minutes to get to the cabin so we gotta go." Perri said as we walked to the car. We drove off singing random songs. Once at the cabin I saw Louis cleaning the cabin making everything presentable while the other guys watched Tv besides Paul and Liam they helped Louis. "Luke I need you upstairs for a minute" I said walking upstairs with my shopping bag. I walked into the room and sat on the bed. Not even a minute later Luke was next to me on the bed. "What's up Short stuff." he said as I pushed him. "I have a problem and I need you to come with me to the mall tomorrow as my boyfriend." I said as he nodded his head. "Sure is that it." he asked a  I shook my head. "No I only have an hour to get ready before Louis parents come so I need you to get ready." I said as he nodded heading to the closet. I grabbed the white dress and went to the bathroom. I put on the dress finishing my hair and removing my make up. I decided to go with a mint green eye shadow and I made my eye liner darker and my eyelashes longer. 

       Once that was done I got out and knock in the closet door. "Are you decent?" I asked. "Yea." he said. "Okay now before I come in close your eyes." I said as he replied with and okay. I walked in and grabbed my mint green high top converse and my neon yellow socks. I walked out the closet and close the door signal Luke that I was done. I put on my shoes and took one my look in the mirror. I must say the girl in the mirror isn't the same girl in the orphanage. This girl was happy and sarcastic and full of energy. I smile and turn around only to hit a wall. But why would there be a wall right behind me. I looked up and noticed Luke staring down at me with his hand out. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. "Thanks" I said as he nodded. It weird, Luke has been acting strange. "You look beautiful." Luke said as I blushed. "And you look" I paused looking at what he was wearing. And it was black skinny jeans and a nice light blue button down shirt."Handsome" I finished as it was his turn to blush. "Katie Luke get downstairs now my parents are going to be here any minute." Louis screamed as we made our way down stairs. Once downstairs we saw everyone in the living room waiting for the door to be knocked on. Luke and I took a seat waiting as well. After 5 minutes finally their was a knock. Louis went to open the door as we just waited. I saw Louis hug his mom and 3 little girls. Then cooed to 2 babies. "Mom you remember our band mates and their girlfriends. And then 5SOS and their girlfriends friends." I said as she nodded hugging the guys. Now their was only two left. Abby and I. "Who are these two young ladies" Lou's Mom asked. "Mom this is Abby Harry and Bo's adopted daughter." He said as she hugged Abby. Then she looked at me. "Mom this is Katie your adopted granddaughter." he said as I was pulled in for a hug. I hugged her back happily. When she pulled back she held on my shoulder looking at me. "Awe your so pretty." She said bringing me into another hug. "Thank you Mrs. Tomlinson." I said as she shook her head. "Call me Grandma sweetheart." She said smiling.

       "Okay, Grandma" I said sitting back down next to Luke throwing my legs on his lap. "Are you and Lucas a thing" Grandma asked me. "Yes, yes we are" Luke said with a smile. "So adorable does Liz know. How long has this been going on. You guys are so adorable." She rambled. "Mom" Louis said as she stopped herself. "Sorry I tend to ramble. I'll start some lunch. Louis introduce you sister to you daughter." She said as he nodded as she walked to the kitchen. "Okay their is the oldest Charlotte or Lottie, second Frizzy, the twins Phoebe and Daisy, and the baby twins Doris and Ernest."Louis said as he pointed them out. I waved then held my stomach. Stupid cramps. I got up and went to the kitchen to grabbed my pain killers and some sweets. "Hello sweetheart" Grandma said. "Hi Grandma" I said heading to the bag of stuff. I grabbed some sour patch kids and 2 more pain killers. "So Grandma umm where is grandpa." I asked as she chopped some veggies. "He has to work but he would have loved you to meet you." She said with a smile. "Thanks grandma" I said walking back into the living room. Which now Scooby-Doo was on for the kids. I jumped in my seat and paid attention to the TV. "Really Katie" Michael said. "What it's the best" I said as he laughed. I opened my sour patch kids and began eating them. I felt a hand go into my candy so I bit it. "O fuck Katie why the hell did you do that." I heard Luke say. I smacked him in the head and he cursed again. "Lucas if you curse one more time in front of these kids I will slap you so hard there will be a mark for a week. And if you touch my food with out asking you'll bleed understood." I said angrily. Hey I'm on my period and I'm allowed to be moody. "Sorry Katie" Luke said. "Its alright Lukey." I said paying my attention back to the show. After two episodes of great Scooby doo Grandma called us for lunch.

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