Chapter 3 Their Famous?!

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I woke up to the sun shinning to my face. Ugh its to early for this. I threw my pillow at the window and got up. I look at the clock next to me and it was 8 in the morning. I decided to take a shower and walk around for a while. Once I took my shower I threw on a pair of light blue high wasted shorts and a black tank top. Along with my black beanie and black converse. 'You must be thinking how I got all these clothes if I was an orphan. Well if you were thinking this then to answer your question its simple. Since I was 14 I was working or helping. So I spent my money on clothes and food. So that's how.' I put on my contacts and my fake nerdy glasses. I went to the kitchen and left a note on the table. I opened the door and headed outside. I'm so happy its summer here. I started walking and noticed a little café. Right when I saw the café my stomach growled . I looked in my pockets and saw I had 10 dollars. I went into the café and took a seat.

I decided to order a hot chocolate and a cinnamon muffin. Within 10 minutes my order came. Once I finished my hot chocolate I decided to leave and take my muffin with me. When I was walking back to my new house I notice a little girl crying on a bench. I noticed to see what was wrong. " Hey why you crying " I asked. " I have no mommy or daddy and I'm all alone." she cried. I feel really bad for her. The same thing happen to me. "It's alright. How old are you and what's you name." i asked as she cried into my arms. "Abby and I'm 5" she said as her stomach growled. She must be hungry. " Here you go now lets go i want you to meet some people. " I said as I picked her up. we started walking back to the house and within 5 minutes we were there. We walked in the house when i heard 9 voices speaking. Since when did 9 boys/girls live here. I walked in with Abby and went straight to the kitchen were I heard the voices at. Once Abby and I were in the kitchen I saw Niall,Louis,Liam,Zayn,Harry and 4 other boys. "Hey guys" I said. " Katie where were you. You can't just leave the house with out telling anyone" Louis said. " Well I lefted a note saying I was taking a walk around town which is right here. " I said as I gave him the note. " Oh sorry I just didn't see it. So Katie this Michael,Ashton,Calum and Luke." Louis said as he point them out. Michael is the one who has the dyed hair which is black red, Ashton is the one with brown hair and bannda, Calum is the one with black hair and Luke is the blonde one with crystal blue eyes. "Nice to meet you all. As you heard I'm Katie and this is Abby. " I said as I pointed to Abby who was hugging my leg.

Abby looked up and squelled. "Omg your One Direction. I love you guys " she yelled in excitement. One who? "Umm Abby how do you now them?" I asked. "How do you not they are the most famous boy band ever. I love them so much. You guys are my heroes!" She said with a gigantic smile as she hugged Louis. "umm guys?" I said as I looked at the guy who had a worry expression. "Well umm you see" Liam started out."Guys I can't believe you haven't told her" Calum said. "Told me what?" I said as I looked at everyone. " Katie we are Famous" Zayn said. Famous? How? I can't believe they are famous and they haven't told me. I've never liked famous people now I'm the adopted daughter of one. As being bullied in school wasn't bad enough. Now I have to worry about the press and their bull shit. The only thing I could do is play it off like its nothing. " Oh why didn't you just tell me before. Its not that bad. Its not like you work for the FBI." I said with a smile so they wouldn't know I was lying. " So Katie who's the kid? Is she yours?" Luke said as he smile at me. " umm no she is not mine. Her name is Abby and I found her in the streets or on a bench. She has no one so I decided to take her in for a while then find a family for her." I said as I looked at Abby who was playing with Harry. I think Harry likes her but who knows what goes on in Harry's mind.

"So Katie want to go get some lunch with the boys and our girlfriends" Micheal asked. "Can Abby come" I said directly to Louis. " Of course she can" Harry said. Was I talking to him I don't think so. I sassed in my head. "So what are we waiting for lets go." I said as I walked out the house. Soon enough everyone pulled out of the house and lead me to the two cars. "Chose?" Louis said as he pointed to a 2k15 BMW and a Rangerover. "umm BMW" I said. BMWs are my favorite cars. I got in the car with Abby and Harry. Also Louis, Ashton, and Luke.

"So Katie tell me about yourself"


Hey guys I posted again. Yay maybe another one this week if I'm lucky. Thank you guys so much for reading and voting. Tell more people and if you love or like this story tell me in comments. P.S. I will not be naming my chapters anymore since I have no idea what I should call them. So thanks for ready Bye.

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