Chapter 12

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        Luke's Pov

  Katie fit so perfectly in my arms. I know it's cheesey but it's true. She was so small and fragile like in any minute she could brake. Everything about her was perfect and the more time I spent with her the more I end up liking her. Soon enough Katie was asleep. Mostly likely falling asleep to my heart beat which made my heart pace quicken. She cuddled deeper into me probably being cold. I put her on my lap and and hugging her tighter. "So Luke since the media took that picture of you and Katie you guys are going to be faking dating for a while til this all clears up. So I hope you treat her the same way as if she was your real girlfriend" Louis said. "I promise don't worry I won't hurt her no matter what. She might not be my girlfriend but I'll treat her like a Princess." I said as Louis nodded his head. "Luke" Katie said as she was half awake. She yawn like a kitten which I mist say was the cutest thing ever. "Yes." I said as she still had her hands on mine sending thousands of shocks through my body. "Well while I was in the room and you were in the shower your phone rang and your ring tone was amazing do you think we can listen to the whole song."She said as she rubbed her eyes gentle then giving me puppy dog eyes. "Of course let me just get my phone." I said as I grabbed my phone and head phones. "And can we listen to it on repeat"she said as she grabbed onto my jacket putting the ear bud in her ear. I put mine in and soon enough there was sift snores coming out of Katie's mouth. I kissed her forehead and look out the window.

          A couple of hours later.

  "Paul I'm starving can we please get some food" Niall whine. It has been about 3 hours and Niall is still complaining about food. And the only ones Actually awake is Niall,Paul and I. Katie is still asleep has been for almost 4 hours. God Damn she can sleep. "Fine Niall we can go eat where do you wanna go" Paul said as Niall smiled. "Can we go to Taco Bell" He said as Katie woke up. "I heard Taco Bell."Katie said with a smile. I smiled at her cuteness. "Yeah Paul is going to let us eat and Niall decided to get Taco Bell." I said as she yawned.  "Niall I love you gosh your the best end of story."She said as she gave him a hug. "Thanks" he blushed. He always did that when a fan or someone gave him a compliment.  "Now how are we going to wake everyone up"Paul said. "I got and idea Paul pull over " Katie said as Paul pulled over. "Okay first I'll wake up Harry." Katie said as she whispered something in his ear. As soon as she did Harry was up. "Okay now everyone hold your ears."She said we all held our ears and she screamed so loud. Soon enough everyone was up. Paul started driving again and Katie hoped on my lap. "Ugh what do you guys want." Zany whined. "Well we're getting Taco Bell so we had to wake you guys up." I said.


       Soon enough Paul started to head to Taco Bell as he turned towards an exit. Within 5 minutes we were at Taco Bell finally. "Hey Katie I'm not that hungry would you share with me" I said as she looked at me and I gave her my puppy dogs eyes. "Fine only because your my pillow but this doesn't change the fact your my servant." She said as I wrapped my arms around her. She is so small compared to me. I like a whole foot and more taller than her. "Your the best" I said as she hugged back. "I know I am" she said as she grabbed Patches and Scraps. "You really love those guys don't you"I said as I watch Katie play with the kitten and puppy. "Yea I do. Don't you they are just so cute."She said as she handed me Scraps. "Yea I guess they are" I said as I played with Scraps and Katie played with Patches. "Okay Katie what do you want"Paul said. "Umm a smothered burrito and 3 Dlt ferry."She said as her stomach growled. She tried covering it with a cough which I thought was adorable. "Someone's hungry" I whispered into Katie's ear. "Shut up Luke" she said as she slapped my arm. "Ow that hurt so much" I sarcastically said. "O really what do you want me to do about it" she said with a smirk. "kiss it to make it better" I pouted. She kissed my arm and thousands of shocks ran through my body. "There is it better?" She asked. "Yea it is thank you Katie-Bear" I said as she blushed and hide her face in my jacket."Your welcome Lukey." She said as it was my turn to blush. "what do you guys want as drink." Paul said to me and Katie. "Sprite"Katie and I said at the same time. "Alright 2 sprites it is" Paul said as Patches and Scraps went to Abby and Harry.

     "Why I thought you guys loved me" Katie said as she faked cried to her pets. 'Meow, Ruff' was all they replied. "Luke can you believe that they ran away from me. Am I not good enough from them. What did I do wrong." Katie faked cried into me. "Shh you did nothing wrong" I played along as I stroked her hair. Soon enough she burst out laughing. "Your to funny Luke"she said as Paul passed out our food. "Thanks I know" I said as she grabbed her food and I grabbed our drinks. We were now on the rode again and I think it's only an hour left to the cabin. Katie open up here smothered burrito and I grabbed  My fork and took a bite. "Hey I wanted the first bite"Katie whined. "Sorry but I couldn't resist" I said as I took price. But before I could put it in my mouth Katie ate it. "Katie that was mine" I whined as she gave me a innocent face. "Sorry I couldn't resist"She mocked me trying to sound manly. "I don't sound like that just so you know."I said as we continued eating. After we finished the burrito I ate a taco and Katie had two. Soon enough we finished our drinks and we were stuffed. "Paul how much longer"Jordana whined and she rested her head on Ashton's shoulder. "About 30 minutes"he said as we all sighed. "Well does anyone want to play truth or dare."Katie said as everyone said yes besides Liam he said no. "Did you just say no?"Katie said to Liam. "Yes I said no. Something bad always happens when we play truth or dare" He said. "come on Li-li"Sophia said. "whatever but it something bad happens I'm blaming you guys" he said. Yea everyone cheered.

     "Okay I'll start Harry truth or dare" Katie said. "Dare" "Alright I dare you to let me be able to give you a hair cute tomorrow" "What my curls""Yes and since its a dare you have to do it" "Alright but don't make me look bad." "never" "Alright umm Louis truth or dare" Harry asked. "Umm truth I guess"" your such a pussy but okay. What is the craziest thing you did drunk" "Umm I flash the whole bar" He said as everyone laughed.  "Not funny now Hannah truth or dare.""Dare" "I dare you to flash the next car coming by." "Okay." She said as she put the window down. Soon enough a care cane and she flashed them. Of course I didn't look because I'm a gentleman but I knew she did it by all the cheers. "Okay Now Luke truth or dare." "Dare" "Alright I dare you to kiss Katie on the lips for 5 seconds" "Umm okay." I said as I looked at Katie. Katie looked at Michael and he looked at her. She sighed and nodded her head. I grabbed her waist and looked into her eyes seeing if she was okay. She bit her lip and I bit mine then smile at her. "Just kiss already"All the girls said. I pulled her face close to mine and crashed my lips on hers. I heard a whole bunch of cheering as I smiled into the kiss. I pulled back and smiled. My smile was so big China can probably see it. I looked at Katie and she was blushing hiding in my jacket. "Okay were here" Paul said as Katie grabbed Scraps and Patches and jumped out if the car. "Katie wait up" I said as Katie ran into the house putting the pets down running up stairs. I chased after her put she was to fast.

       I saw her run into the room and I chased after her. I opened the door and Katie was sitting on the bed. "Katie are you alright" I said as I sat next to her. All she did was nod. "No your not I'm sorry that I kissed you." I said as I held her close. "Don't be sorry it's just it was my first kiss." She said as she looked into my eyes. Her first kiss. I was her first kiss. She must hate me now since she probably wanted to save it for someone special. "You must hate me now don't you." I said with a frown. "No I don't hate you. Really your a great friend to me and I just don't want to ruin our friendship. I'm sorry I ran away I was scared and nervous." She said as we both smiled "Don't worry we will always be friends now let's get to the others.""Okay" she said as I grabbed her hand and headed down. This is going to be one very eventful summer.


Hey guys so yea another Chapter. My best friend has been bothering me to update so this chapter is for her. Jordana I hope you like it. Comment if you like this story and what should happen next and thanks for all the reads and votes. I love you guys so much and thanks to  the support.

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