Chapter 10

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         Katie Pov

    Luke, Abby and I were peacefully enjoying our meal when Luke and mine phone vibrated. I looked to see it was a message from Louis. Hey just so you know you guys are faking dating once you get to the house. I looked over the message a few times and sighed. Really I can't believe it. I looked at Luke and he gave me a weak smile. "Looks like we're dating now" Luke said as I sighed. I can't believe it. I've never had a boyfriend and now I have a fake one. "Katie don't worry but we have to practice before we get home."he said as he grabbed my hand. Suddenly my nerves faded away. I don't know why but when I'm with him everything is well again. "I know but still it's going to be weird you know. We just started being friends and we hardly know each other so yea." I said as I continue eating my food. "Don't worry but we really have to practice so after we finish eating." "Yea sure but I have to go some where really quickly" I said as I stood up. "Take care of Abby I'll be right back."  I soon was in the kitchen my favorite place and I saw James there with his dad cooking. That's just so sweet.

    I walked quietly behind James and screamed boo. He jumped up in fear and held his heart. "Gosh Katie don't do that I couldn't have a hard attack." He said as he looked at me. "No you couldn't because your to young to have a heart attack." I said as I laughed. "So what did you have to tell me" I said as he pulled me into the storage room. "Okay well since you cook really well Dad and I thought maybe you can open your own restaurant." he said as my mouth was hanging open. "Are you serious I can't do that what about you guys.""What about us"" it's just I don't think I should be opening a business when you guys have one"" Come one Katie we want you to share your gift with everyone. Please just think about it"he said as he pulled into a hug. "Okay I will. Well I have to go. I will call you and text you." I said as I released from the hug. "Be careful" he said as he kissed my forehead. "Bye" I said as I walked away. "Lets go" Luke said as we went to the car.

     "So Abby did you enjoy visiting my friends" I said as I looked at her. She nodded her head and gave me a toothy smile. I noticed she had a little dimple on her right cheek. Awe I was always a sucker for dimples. "Good now how about when we get home I get you some ice cream and we watch Scooby Doo til you fall asleep. Does that sound like a plan." She nodded her head and giggled. "Alright now Katie we have to act like we have been together for a while. So give me a nickname."Luke said. "Umm is Lukey fine." I said giving him my real nickname for him. "Yea I like that. And for you how about Katie-Bear." he said with a smile and I smiled too. I like that. No one has every given me a nickname and I must say it was sweet. "Yea I like it okay now how did we meet." I said as Abby looked at us. " You guys meet in Disney land and when he saw you it took his breathe away and he just had to call you his"she said with a giant smile. Wow this little girl is good. "That is really good and I like the fact it's at Disney world. What a better place to meet." Luke said as we were in front of the house.

    " Okay great now everything else we improvise. Now if we are going to be a couple we have to hold hands" I said as we got out and got to the front door. Luke laced his fingers with mine and they fit perfectly together. I think a deep breathe and open the door. "Okay now Abby go to the your room and I'll be there in a minute. Don't talk to anyone you don't know" I said as she wondered off. "Okay are you ready" Luke asked me as he squeezed my hand. "Yea thanks Luke for everything." said as I gave him a hug. " No problems no let's go see what this whole thing is about." he said as we headed to the living room. Once we were at the door I put on a smile and saw Kimberley. Ugh I hate her so much. " I had an amazing day today Lukey." I said as we stared into each other eyes.  Wow his eyes are really blue. " Me too Katie-Bear." he said as we nose kissed. We heard a cough and turned to the direction. It was Kimberley of course. " So Katharine how did you and Luke meet." She said as she picked on her fake nails. "one thing my girlfriends name is Katie. Two we meet in Disney land. It was exactly one year ago I remember it preciously because that was the moment my world stopped and I felt like it was just the 2 of us." Luke said as he wrapped and arm around my waist and we took a seat on the couch. I noticed they were watching a movie. O well. What Luke said really surprised me. He was really good at this. 

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