Chapter 18

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Katie's Pov

I woke up from my nap to see Luke smiling like an idiot. I looked at him with worried eyes but happy eyes and he finally looked down at me. "Good Afternoon sleepy head" he said as I stretched an smiled at him. "Good Afternoon penguin" I said as he gave me a smile. "Hey Katie guess what" Ashton said. "What" I said. "Our band is thinking of signing this girl we heard on YouTube. But first we need to see how see actually looks" Ash said as there was a knock on the door. Luke and I went to open the door and it was Kimberley. "What the fuck are

doing here" I growled as Luke held me to his side. "Well since someone broke my nose I'll be staying the week here unless you want me to give you daddy's address out to the whole world." she smirked. Now that she said that I notice a little cast on her nose. I let her in mumbling cuss words but Luke whispered in my ear it will be okay. We walked to th living room and everyone was shocked that she was here and with a suit case. "Hey guys" she said giving them a smile which was hard to see we her caked face. "Kimberley what are you doing here" Calum replied shocked. "O you know spending the week with you guys." she replied. "But we're would you stay we have no room." Ashton said with a smirk. "O then you better make room or I might just send Louis address out to everybody. All it takes is one push of the button." she smiled as everyone looked at her shocked. "It's fine. Abby will just stay with Luke and I on the air bed I bought. So she can have her room for the time being." I said as Luke sighed out in relief.

" Whatever you have five minutes to clean out her room" she said as grandma came from the kitchen. "Hello sweetheart. May I ask who you are?" grandma ask as Luke and I headed upstairs. Luke went to our room to set up the air bed as I went to get Abby and her clothes. I opened her door and two little animals pronounced on me. "Hey I miss you guys too. Now go to Lukie while I get Abby okay" I said as they obeyed. "Hey Katie" Abby yawned. "Hey princess. We have to have a room change so you'll be staying with Luke and I. So let's get your clothes." I said as she nodded. She didn't unpack anything so it was pretty easy. I grabbed her little suitcase and her teddy bear walking to our room. I walked in and everything was ready. Luke put pink covers and white pillows on the air bed. I have to admit it was cute. Since it was only 5 o clock we put Abby's suitcase in our closet and head downstairs with our two little animals following us. Once we were done stairs I saw grandma looking at Kimberley with rage. " I'm sorry Louis but we will be leaving today. I promise to come visit once you get back. Girls get the stuff in the car then come say goodbye." Grandma said as they listen. What did Kimberley do to get Grandma so mad. I swear I'll send her to the hospital again. "Grandma are you okay" I whispered loud enough for her and Luke to hear. " I fine." she said pulling me into a hug. " I so happy I got to met you. Your so pretty, boys will be all over you soon. I'll see you in a month or less I promise" she whispered as I hugged her back. Nodding my head. After a minute I let go and said goodbye to my aunt's and uncle, giving them a hug.

"Finally she left" Kimberley smirked. I turned around so fast ready to tackle her but Luke grabbed my waist. I tried to wiggle out but his grip tighten. "Now Jamie either you relax our millions of people find out where you daddy lives and you don't want that do you." she said as I growled. " It's Katie bitch" I said as Harry covered Abby's ears. " Whatever" she said taking a seat. "Katie please calm down." Luke whispered in my ear. I nodded my head letting out a sigh. I grabbed my IMac Pro an went on YouTube. Searching up Luke's band and I went to the first video. I started the video and it was Luke and he was at least 16 and he was all alone. He had such a great voice. I started watching other videos which they weren't sing an I started laughing. Luke sat next to me with curios eyes. "What's so funny." He said. "I'm just watching some videos of you and your band and I can't believe how shy you were. And you and Mikey though" I said wiggling my eyebrows as he laughed. I like moments like this, they make me really happy. "So Jamie are you and my Luke still a thing" Kimberley asked ruining the mood. "Her name is Katie and yes we are still dating." Luke said wrapping his arm around my waist. "Really cause I never seen you guys kiss" She smirked. But I quickly replied "That's because we don't like to show PDA that much". "But there is no one really here so what do you say. One kiss to see if it's real'"She smirked once again. " I don't think--" Luke started but I grabbed his hand and looked at him saying it's fine. He grabbed my cheek, rubbing circles to calm me down. The he leaned in. The closer he got the more my heart started to race. Soon enough there was no space between us. Just his lips moving with mine. And I swear fireworks shot out my stomach.

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